Hanging Out

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"It's cool that Clem let us fish together today," Violet chirped while Matthew looked down, "but, um, are you okay with going near the stream?"

He wasn't paying attention.

"Moo?" Violet touched his shoulder getting his attention.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah it's fine."

She furrowed her brows, "You feeling okay? I know you keep your mask on all the time, but you look like something's bothering you."

He shook his head, "I'm okay, Vi, really."

She shrugged, "Whatever you say, Moo."

As Violet and Moo walked along beside each other, Moo could barely speak to her after what Sophie told him last night. He didn't care that she liked girls but the fact that she didn't tell him about Minerva really got to him. Though it felt wrong because he didn't tell her all his exes.

Maybe because he had too many.

But Sophie told him that they didn't have the best relationship. He doubted in his right mind that Violet wasn't rude, neglectful, nor abusive to any lovers she had. Sophie may have been his friend by he'll just go out and say that she was the bitch in the relationship, not Violet.

When they stopped in front of a small shack, Violet looked up at him and smiled softly at him. Even though he was upset with her he couldn't help but give her a slight grin.

"Welp," she breathed, "we got some spears in there that we use to catch the fish."

He furrowed his brows, "No fishing poles?"

She shook her head, "Nope, we already got some trap for the fish in the stream too."

"I could go get them for us," he insisted.

"Oh, alright, I'll just go wait by the stream if that's good with you."

He scoffed, "I'll be fine."

Violet just shrugged heading to the stream. He went ahead going into the shack already seeing that the buckets and spears were leaning against the old rotted wall. As he went to grab them he stopped and noticed a mattress under a carved heart. As he walked closer, he saw the inside of it V+M.

Violet and Minerva, he guessed since it possibly couldn't be him.

He shook his head and sighed at the sight. Now he had a few second thoughts about Violet's old girlfriend. Maybe they were in love going through some tough times. By the looks of it, this was their secret hideout, or just wanted to be alone together.

Then Moo furrowed his brows at the thought that they even made love here.

But he didn't ponder too long as he headed outdoors with the spears and buckets heading to the stream.

He found Violet sitting by the stream looking ahead not knowing he was there. He shook the buckets making her turn around and smile.

"That was quick, usually they're in the hardest places to find."

He didn't say anything but give Violet a spear a bucket. She thanked him and showed him where to catch fish.

"There's quite a lot of them today," she pointed as he saw them swimming upstream, "all we have to do is catch them and put them in the buckets."

"Sounds simple."

They started to watch the fish piercing them at the right time. Moo ended up catching a couple of big ones while Violet kept throwing her spear down not catching anything. She shook head cursing to herself as she kept trying. She ended catching this little puny one that she just tossed in the bucket and sighed.

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