Old Demons

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Violet fluttered her eyes open sluggishly waking up to a sharp pain in her wrapped up shoulder. As she woke up she heard a faint voice from outside her room yelling "Matéo, Matéo, come back!"

Moo . . .

She winced at the blurry sight of the big bloodstain on the bandage and hissed as she tried to sit up on her pillow. She then touched herself and blushed brightly as she also realized she just had on her shorts; only her shorts. She reached out for the blanket as she tried to cover her chest if anyone walked in to check on her.

But it was long too late for that.

She jumped when Victoria run back into the room out of breath. She frantically ran over to the blonde's bed gently laying her back down.

"No, no, don't move too much," she said as Violet winced, "just relax, you're safe now."

It took her a moment to realize that she was back in Charlottesville and ended up not going to that paradise she saw. But she had no knowledge where she was in town.

"Where am I? Is this a medical center?"

Victoria nodded, "You're parents and sister are all sitting in the waiting room for news, you want me to bring them in right now or wait?"

"Does any of them have Blossom with them?"

She raised a brow, "Blossom?"

"She's my . . . daughter," she hesitated to forget about her and her parents had no knowledge of Blossom.

To her fear, Victoria blinked parting her lips as if she was about to ask a million questions. But instead, she cleared her throat smiling nervously.

"I see, you know where she could be?"

Violet frowned and shrugged, "The last place I left her was in Moo's apartment, she most likely isn't in there now so I have no idea where my baby is. I think the best person who would have a good idea where she is Ashley."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll do all I can to see to it," Victoria reassured her squeezing the blonde's hand, "what does she look like?"

"She's small, has green eyes, dark long hair, and has this little pin I made for her when she was born," she smiled recalling the pin, "it's a small pink blossom and I put it on every shirt she wears."

Victoria nodded, "I will very much do so."

"Please, I really wanna see her."

She nodded again before kissing the blonde on the forehead heading out the door.

"Miss Tori," Violet called out making Victoria stop abruptly, "I'm really glad you're okay."

She smiled softly at her, "That makes both of us, mija."

When she walked out Violet sighed sadly that she couldn't just get up and find her daughter herself. She missed her every day since she's been away from her, she never wanted to be separated from her again it just hurt her too much.

She most likely feels the same.

She then thought about Moo thinking he would be the first person to be there when she woke up, he was the one to save her life after all. She didn't know why he wasn't there of all people or why would he leave.

Does he think I'm not good enough now . . . ?

The thought made her ill to her stomach just thinking about it. Tears started to run down her cheeks thinking of all the possible reasons why he wasn't there with her right now.

One of the reasons brought her pain to her heart when she thought about it.

She wanted to see him; she had to see him.

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