Road Trip

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That night, Louis helped Violet pack for her road trip to town. He gave her a small blanket and a throw pillow if she spends the night. She got herself some snacks and a big container of water all in one travel backpack.

"I think I have everything I need, Lou," Violet said closing the bag.

Louis rubbed his thick brows thinking, "Hmm, I guess, but what about a bar of soap if you want a bath?"

"And where the hell am I gonna take a bath, Louis?"

"Shit, I dunno, maybe you might come across a hotel or something, you might not even need a pillow and blanket."

Violet rolled her eyes, "Not if it's infested with hundreds of walkers, so I wouldn't take any chances."


"Other than that, you think I need anything else?"

He smiled, "I think you're all set."

Violet looked up towards Blossom's crib as she slept soundly then looked back at Louis with a worried look.

Louis frowned in concern, "What's wrong Vi?"

"I'm not sure if I can be without her for a day."

"Aww, Vi, Ruby already said she would watch her, she'll be in great hands."

"I know, but... it's just that it'll be my first time away from her for a while. I won't be with her overnight or kiss her goodnight. What if it was unbearable for her and just be upset all the while I'm gone? I won't be able to comfort her or-food! What about the food? Can she-"

"Hey, hey, chill, Vi," Louis shushing her by putting his hand over her mouth, "I said she'll be in great hands."

He pulled his hand away and she sighed heavily, "Alright, you sold me, I'll fill some bottles up tonight, and then I'll go from there."

She placed the backpack on the floor then fell on the bed face down and groaned loudly. Getting all the stuff she needed for tomorrow was more exhausting than she thought.

"Well, I see you're tired too," he chuckled lightly walking to the door, "I'll leave you and Cherry Blossom be for the night."

"Night, Lou," she said tiredly muffled through the bed."

"Night, Vi, get plenty of rest. You'll need it."


The next early morning, Violet was up and awake more than she's ever been. She couldn't believe not only she got to go out of the old "Safe Zone", but getting to go into town. It's been almost ten years since she's gone back into a town, now she wonders if it was infested with walkers by now or full of scavenging bandits. Then again, she also wondered if the town turned into a society, but that was the last thing she hoped for. She didn't have time being held, hostage. Again.

It took a little minute for Clementine to come out with the map to the nearest town which ironically is the farthest place from the school and Rosie trotting beside her. She walked slowly with her little limp and showing her tired pink eyes. She approached Violet giving her tired smile then yawned. She didn't think Clem wasn't used to getting up this early, then again, she has two babies, AJ and Louis on her hands so maybe that too plays a part in her tiredness.

"You ready?" Clem asked in a raspy tired voice, "It's not too late to change your mind."

Violet giggled, "Clem I told you I'll be fine, actually, I'm a bit excited, we never been out this far before ever since this all started. It's kinda cool to see what it'll look like after so many years."

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