Cobra's Venom and a Wild Lynx

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She felt her body ache so much from all the stitches and surgery to the point where she couldn't move. She looked down at little baby in her arms which was the only thing keeping her from regretting this pain. She smiled touching his soft chubby cheeks as he laid in her arms cooing softly.

Victoria had stayed in her room all week with the one-month-old with Cobra having to bring her food every once and a while. They had to go to school today and she was on maternity leave so she was alone with the baby.

It was hell having to wait for him in that hospital for one and a half months. She only carried him for six months, born with a heart murmur and had sleep apnea. He looked very sickly when he came out, Victoria thought he wouldn't make it. But fortunately, he proved her wrong and she was so happy when they said that she could bring him home with her.

She slid her finger down from the side of his eyes which was the most striking thing she ever saw. His right eye was a sparkling bottle colored green while his other one was more of a fiery gold, the color of the sunset. She had never in her life seen something so unique and beautiful.

The sound of the door took her attention away. Curious, she wondered if those were the kids home this early.

"niños, ¿eres tú . . . ?" she called hesitantly.

"Sí, it's us, mamá," one of them called back as she sighed in relief.

"I'm up here then."

She could hear their little feet running up the stairs before they stopped in front of her door.

Victoria smiled, "Come in you three."

When the door opened she Cobra first as he happily trotted to the bed with Nicóle shyly walked behind him. Cobra stood on his toes placing a kiss on his mother's cheek with Nicóle just standing there looking away.

"How was school today?"

"It was great," Cobra chirped, "it turns out there was a half-day today!"

She giggled, "Is that so, now why is that?"

Cobra gasped, "Don't tell me you forgot it was the last day of school!"

"A-and tomorrow's Abuela's birthday," Nicóle added.

Victoria looked down thinking for a second before her eyes went round at the realization. She had forgotten what day it was due to always taking care of the baby all the time. She even forgot that she was supposed to make her father a birthday dinner this weekend also. She groaned out of frustration ashamed, of herself that she almost had forgotten one of the most important days.

"I'm so sorry, niños," she apologized, "Call your abuelos later on and tell them that the food might be a little late."

"Figures," an older boy grumbled at the doorway swinging car keys around his fingers.

Victoria frowned, "Lynx, we're still going to celebrate with your abuelos."


The baby started cooing louder while everyone was talking. Cobra stood lower on his toes stroking the top of his little brother's hair giggling as his little hands kept trying to grab his.

"When is he gonna start talking?" Cobra asked curiously making Victoria laugh.

"He's only two months, mijo, why the rush?"

"Because when he  starts talking, I can finally have another boy to talk to in the house."

"I'm not good enough or something?" Lynx snarked as Cobra turned to glare at him.

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