Clem and Moo

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Clementine sat on the edge of her bed cradling with Luke sleeping peacefully in her arms. Though it was too early, she was so grateful that Hope tired herself out as smiled looking back at her crib. He began to yawn snuggling closer to her chest. This always made Clem instantly fall madly in love whenever Luke does that. She assumed it lets them know that he feels safe and loved in your presence. She brought him closer cuddling as he snuggled in more closely. She started to rock him to sleep humming softly as she did.

Such a cutie, she thought with a smile, I just hope you're my last one.

She never thought she'd have such an amazing family in an apocalypse, or a family at all for that matter. She just wished she could give them a better life, a life like hers before all of this started. She just loved them so much.

The night started to settle in as Clem watched the sun going down. She was glad Louis didn't have the night shift tonight, she just hated being without him at night. She also realized that this was the time for Violet and Moo to split from each other.

Every now and then she had second thoughts about the guy. Sure he was kind of snarky and looked a little shady, but he was Violet's best friend. She did let them go fishing at that time and nothing bad happened, actually, Violet seemed quite happier than usual. And he has helped out a lot during his time here.

Clem still really didn't really know how to feel about him as a person though. He seemed to warm up to Louis even being nice enough to teach him how to shoot. Every time she wanted to talk to him she would just get . . . scared having to get Violet to send the message to him. AJ even liked him with him showing the boy how to draw and make small talk with each other.

Most of the school could talk to him except for her. It was just something about his aura, how he looked and acted. It's one of the reasons she wanted him and Violet to be apart at night. He just seemed . . . off. He acted nothing like Bruce who hovered around Violet all the time, he looked like he knew her boundaries and space when she wanted it.

But Clem still didn't know overall was he safe to be around all together with no matter how much of the positive things he's done . . .

She jumped out of her thoughts when Louis walked into the room giving her a toothy grin as she grinned back.

"Hey there, beautiful," he said walking up to the bed closing the door behind him, "what' cha up to?"

"Just putting the babies to bed, that's all."

"They didn't give you any trouble this time?"

"You know Luke, he'll get fussy when he's tired anyway, but Hope . . ." she shuddered on how much of a nightmare it was to put her to bed.

Louis laughed, "Yep, Hope can be a challenge." He sat beside her resting his head on top of hers as he gave out a yawn, "I wanted to practice a little more on my aim before I went to sleep."

"How's that going?"

"Great, actually, Moo says I should work on my posture a little more before we get to the real stuff."

"Where is he now?"

"Outside talking to Vi."

She pursed her lips, "Doesn't he know it's almost dark outside?"

"Yeah, but I didn't wanna bother them, he said it won't take long anyway." She shook her head and sighed while furrowed his brows in concern, "Hey, what's up?"

"How do you feel about him, Lou?" she looked back up at him as he blinked.


"How do feel about Moo?"

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