Why did I keep pushing her? he kept asking himself repeatedly in his head, why, why, WHY?!

He knew he needed to stop his outbursts but just didn't know how to. He's been having them for as long as he could remember, people always said he needed medication, but Victoria would say otherwise not wanting the shit in his system because, from what she says, "drugs like those are like a cane to help you stand to the point you'll have to rely on it, and once you do you'll need that cane for rest of your life and, without it, you'll never walk the same again."

He heathed her words for a long time until he started smoking; the last thing his mother ever wanted him to do, herself used to be hooked and been through hell when she quitted.

He was going to stop, only for Violet and Blossom not matter how much pain it takes for him to stop.

He was going to change a lot of things for her; he just loved her too much, and he loved and hated it at the same time. He promised himself that he wouldn't fall in love again after Delaney died and Valeria broke his heart, but Violet just seemed to break barriers as his heart swelled up at every second when he was with her. He thought of her all the time, wanting to be by her side every step of the way.

But he had to do better, he just had to.

Moo squeezed the pillow in annoyance as he heard curtains being opened thinking it was another nurse again to check on him.

"For the last fucking time I told you to go away!" he roared.

But he didn't hear the footsteps leave, they only remained still as Moo could feel their presence lingering in the room with them.

He started to get frustrated.

"Are you deaf? I told you to—"

When he sat up he looked up blinked at the towering figure standing at the side of his bed. At first, he thought it was Cobra or Miguel again, but no, it was a face that he never thought he would see again. Even though the two haven't seen each other for quite some time his face would still sometimes haunt him at night.

His expression was more soft and concerned rather than angry and hostile as usual every time he saw Moo. He just found it a bit strange.

"You alright?" Lynx asked, his deep ragged voice almost sounding like Miguel's.

Moo just nodded as kept staring at his older brother. He saw that age was starting to catch up with him seeing some deep lines around his mouth and his face becoming a little thinner. He also noticed that his favorite piercing looked to be ripped off also.

Maybe it was torn off while he was fighting, Moo thought curiously.

Lynx cocked his head, "I see you're done eating, how was it?"

"It was good, I guess," Moo shrugged.

Lynx began to sit on the freeway space on the side of the bed. Moo's heart raced a little knowing how Lynx was when two were younger, he was the only person he avoided when they stayed in their mother's house together, he still had scars that never healed.

"I see you're doing better from when you first came here," Lynx said looking away from him.

"I mean, I've been through a hell of a lot worse."

Lynx chuckled at that, "It's because you're a tough kid."


Moo thought he seemed . . . unusual. He surprised that Lynx even came to see him in the first place.

Did he hit his head or something?

"Um," Lynx fidgeted his hands not knowing what else to say, "I just . . . um . . . came to check on you, see if you were still breathing."

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