oh no

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The trail started and somehow the water drained from his head allowing himself to see and feel and hear again. For a few moments the table was silent before Phill took charge, starting the discussion.

" One of us has.... Killed again I'm afraid so everyone needs to give an alibi , I can start"

Dream paid close attention to everything , yes it hurt to lose Tommy and Bad but George? He could never forgive the imposter and wasn't going to allow him to get away again.

" To be honest I don't have a solid alibi, the closest thing I have is running into dream on my way to find Tubbo when the lights went down."

Dream studied his words, finding no lies

" True, me and Phill ran into each other in the dark and he was heading the opposite way from communications...... The kill definitely happened after the lights went out."

" I'll go next"

Skeppy pointed at dream then Tubbo

" Me, dream and Tubbo were together up until lights went down before dream ran off to find his- ......George"

Dream felt something inside him cry out, he knew that if George had been there Skeppy would have teased him by calling him his boyfriend.... They would accuse him and bad of the same.

" We have no reason to suspect dream, both thanks to his emotional response and the fact that he couldn't have killed Bad or Tommy"

Eret spoke calmly to make sure everyone understood what he was saying

" Myself? I was on the other side of the map, I was talking to Phill before the lights went out"

Phill nodded

" He was still there on the way to the body after it was reported."

That left two people, Wilbur and Sapnap.

" sapnap..."

Dream tried and failed to keep anger and hurt from his voice

" I left you with George and yet he's dead now , care to explain yourself!"

Sapnap looked taken aback

" You know I wouldn't kill him"

" Do I REALLY?! Because to me it looks like I trusted you far to much"

" I couldn't have killed Tommy or Bad though I was with you two-"

" Oh no you dont, You've conveniently left out information long enough. You disappeared when tommy died-"

" I wasn't gone for even a minuet"

" You can't really prove that can you?!"

" Dream it isn't me!"

" Oh really?! Then who is it?!"

" Wilbur!"

Suddenly silence, dream tried to squash his anger and betrayed feelings down and hear him out but it was taking all of his effort. Everyone else at the table went silent for a moment, they had just been watching the two argue and now Will was being dragged into it.

" what?"

Wilbur frowned in confusion and maybe some anger

" You left Phill as often as I left dream"

" No i didn't, I didn't leave Phill in the blackout and I wasn't there with George-"

" Oh yeah than whose fucking voice did I hear? Sure sounded like you"

The two glared daggers at each other.

" Not me"

" Sapnap Wilbur was with me the whole blackout when Tommy died"

" Are you sure about that or do you just think that because he was with you before and after the lights went off because there is a vent right in electrical isn't that right eret"

" ... there is but I don't"

" He used the fucking vents to get back in time and faked being sad about tommy to get away with it"

"OH REALLY?! Sound to me like you're describing your own plan and twisting it on me!"

The two started yelling, Phill trying to calm them down while Tubbo sobbed, Eret shook his head muttering worriedly to himself, something about it being like fundy all over again, Skeppy covered his ears and dream started to drown again. It didn't matter if they got it right anyway it would never bring back what they've lost. Never.

" Times up! Ready to vote?!"

The voice forced dream above water again as he suddenly had a choice to make. You'd think voting for the person you hadn't been friends with for so long would be easy but dream just felt so betrayed so unconvinced it wasn't him. In the end his hand tapped Sapnap's name after deciding that even if it wasn't him he still helped take George away from him.

The results showed

Skeppy- Wilbur

Dream- Sapnap

Sapnap- Wilbur


Phill- Sapnap

Tubbo- Sapnap

Eret- Wilbur

Dream stared at it before looking up to see a relieved smile on Will's face, A look of betrayal and fear in Sapnap's and worried confusion plastered on everyone else.

Dream slowly stood up and Sapnap looked at him in fear before bolting only to have the door shut in his face. He turned to dream who was walking after him

" Please dream it wasnt me, I know I kept leaving and I didnt save him but that doesn't mean-"

He was cut off by dream grabbing him tight. Dream felt anger boil inside him

" Sapnap........ You know how much I cared for george, Hell how much I cared about you"

Sapnap flinched at the past tense

" ..... I don't think it matters anymore if it's you of not I'll still never forgive you"

And with that he threw his best friend into the lock , tears rolling down his face before looking away and sending him to space.

" Sapnap was not the imposter"

( Got you guys! >:D Glad to know that making him super sus is something I can do. Seriously though I keep making myself sad with these haha)

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