little bit of stress

85 3 1

Dream woke up after a night of having trouble sleeping to a loud beep. He wasn't told what it meant or anything but somehow him and everyone else knew subconsciously that they needed to get to the cafeteria, and they all had a suspicion of what for . Dream , George and Sapnap walked from the medbay to see everyone around the table which now had a large red button as they waited for when the voice inevitably came back.

" greetings everyone "

This voice was new, deeper but it had the same undertones of danger to it.

" I expect none of you to make a single sound during this explanation "

It waited to make sure the silence was being kept before continuing

" as my partner must have explained this game is life or death "

Everyone shifted uncomfortably.

" Each of you has been given a new task list that you must get done, it is stored in your head along with your identity. If your identity determines your roles, if you are the imposter , you know who you are. By now your goal is to kill everyone except one other person and yourself. The imposter is no longer human and can go through vents, see in the dark and can only die if subjected to burning or freezing temperatures meaning that the crew mates must finish all of their tasks or kick the imposter out of the ship and into the cold vacuum of space via voting them out which can be done during meetings that will be held when that button is pushed or a body is reported."

Everyone tensed up on that line, he had made sure to make it obvious at least two people would die by the end of this journey.

" the imposter may use their map to sabotage the ship to try and control or kill crew mates. Other than that the rules are simple, do your tasks, kill or avoid being killed and vote out people until the imposter is killed. You may begin now"

The voice shut off and everyone let out a breath they were holding.

" this is real isn't it"

"No it can't be"

"It has to be"

" I don't want to die"

" what the fuck"

" geppy stay with me"

" who is it"

Everyone was talking , the world felt like it was spinning as dreams buried their face in their hands. He wasn't the imposter but there was no doubt , someone was. He wasn't the only one, people either denied everything, spoke as if shutting up would kill them or like dreams had shut down. Dream was pulled out of his thoughts by two pairs of arms around him as his friends hugged him and a familiar voice cut through the noise , which he noticed was no longer from the group, it was all from his own head now .

" dream, everyone is leaving the cafeteria lets go work on our tasks"

George. Was he the imposter? Was Sapnap? No, maybe he just didn't want them to be but he really felt like they wouldn't hurt him. They were the only people he could trust. He let himself calm down before the trio began to head together as the others did tasks. Hours passed and nothing happened. Everyone eventually headed to bed, maybe it was a lie after all and no one had to die. That was the hope at least until halfway through their 4th day on the ship something happened.

Dream sighed, pressing himself against George , helping him with wires again, he'd be annoyed if helping hadnt meant having an excuse to touch Geroge. He rested his head on george's

"Haha you really are short gogy"

"Am not, asshole"

"You are though"

"No, I'm not!"

" Are you sure about that? Let me check"

Dream slips his arms under George , picking him up with one movement and grinning down at his red face.

" Yep, looks like I was correct, You're cute and tiny"

"Oh my god, dream put me down"

"Sorry george but i can't do that~"

" what does that even mean, of course you can!"

" nope can't do it"

Dream stuck his tongue out at the tiny british boy in his arms, earning a sigh George rolling out of his arms. Sapnap watched them with a smirk

" seriously guys , you're worse than bad and skeppy"

Dream felt his face heat up

" Am not!"

"Are to!"

" No we're not!"

"You're just both idiots"

" Come on SapMap-"

Then suddenly the lights went out almost completely.

Dream felt George cling to him and saw Sapnap, who was on the other side of the room fade out of sight and suddenly any words or playfulness died immediately.

" Whats going on?"

Dream thought for a moment before answering George's question

" this must be one of those sabotages we were warned about"

" what? Like what the imposter can do?"

" I think it's exactly that"

Heavy silence filled the air as they realized that this meant there really was an imposter, they pressed closer together, sitting in silence. After the silence went on for to long Dream realized what felt wrong


Silence, george gripped his arm

" s-sapnap?!"

Silence, now they were panicking , running to where he should be and not finding him


Before george finished his yell Sapnap finally answered

" I'm right here dumbasses"

He was in the doorway looking frightened

" Sap where did you go"

" I just went to try and find the breaker but then i heard you yell dream and thought something had happened-"

Something apparently had happened as the lights faded back in and then something dreaded came, a scream, or more accurately a cry.

A message played in their heads , "Body reported head to cams"

The three boys looked at eachother with wide eyes and pale faces before taking off running.

( these cute little interactions are so fun to write, hopefully they aren't annoying! Also predictions? Thoughts? feedback?)

just 11 mcyt- An among us AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora