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The trail started and everyone looked around the table remembering that the last time they had gathered here was because bad wanted to help everyone grieve and get along but now they were there to find his murderer.

The first one to speak was Phill

" Just to get it out of the way , skeppy explain again why you and bad were separated when you've previously stuck together "

" I explained to the Dream team already but he wanted to check on Tubbo again but I selfishly wanted to just work on tasks so we split up."

" he never came to find us though "

" yeah Tubbo's right me him and Willbur we're together almost the whole time and never saw him"

" almost?"

" yeah Wilbur left the room when Tubbo was having a breakdown but it was only briefly and we met up with him the moment the alarms started"

" ok so that's three people it can't be"

" yeah"

" and why isn't it you"

" I...... I don't have any evidence , I didn't see Dream and the others until after alarms b-but"

" it's ok I believe you"

Dream wasn't lying when he said that

" me and George had to stop him from having a panic attack about not finding bad I don't think he could have faked it"

" ok and what's your alibis ?"

" each other , me and George were together the whole time and Sapnap only separated from us because I left him behind"

" what about Eret and Fundy has anyone-"

Willbur cut Phill off

" I've met up with Eret in electrical on the way to the the body and I have no reason to suspect that he had just been running "

Eret nodded

" I was in electrical downloading files"

" Then what about fundy?"

" I reported the body!"

Skeppy glared at him with a surprisingly harsh gaze

" You must have reported it after Killing him yourself then "


" I remember you not letting me see him and your the only one I never asked if you'd seen him before the body was discovered"

"I-it wasn't me!"

That's when Sapnap surprisingly joined in

" And when Tommy was killed his only alibi was his eret and they weren't even in the same room, right?"

And then people started yelling , Fundy at Sapnap and skeppy for jumping to conclusions and them at Fundy for killing their friends. People were crying and yelling over each other and before they knew it it was voting time. Dream's hand had never shaken as much as it did when he hit Fundy's name.

" the results are in! "

Other than Eret and Fundy everyone had voted for him, even Wilbur. Dream was tasked along with Will to get him out and so he did , tears in his eyes trying to ignore the pleas from the man struggling in his arms . Once he was in there and had given up struggling he turned to Wilbur with tears in his eyes

" I didn't do it please believe me"

Will had a sad expression riddled with guilt

" I believe you Fundy but the votes have been made . I know it wasn't you "

" than why did you vote for me"

" there wasn't anyone else it could be"

And they left it at that, it was much more horrifying to eject a living person, to watch as they struggle to breath as their body turns cold and pale until they inevitably go still. They waited and felt their stomached turn as a message appeared on the glass

" Fundy was not the Imposter"

( Oop first eject , who is the imposter really ? Who is their next victim? Don't worry you won't have to wait to much longer on the second question)

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