day two

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( this takes place after they calm down, split into the expected groups and they explored and starts up in the middle of the second day. )

They already had less than a day left before one of his friends would kill someone and it was making dream worry, it was making them all worried. It even could end up being him having to do it. As he watched his best friends perform tasks he couldn't help but think about what he desperately didn't want to, one of his friends could be assigned to kill them all, or get killed by whoever is, who knows dream might need up having to kill them himself and he didn't think he could handle that... especially not George. Don't get him wrong, Sanpa and him had been friends for a long time and having to hurt him would be one of the worst things ever but George... Even watching him struggle with the wires made me dream even more sure that he was perfect. His eyes so dark, his brown hair resting on his pale face, his kissable lips and his annoyed chuckle as he messed up the yellow and green wires again.

" Do you need help?"

Dream walked over , bending over slightly to get a better look.

" uh yeah haha"

George was colorblind , of course we were having a little bit of a struggle with this one, it relied on matching up colors. Dream felt both of their faces heat up as he wrapped his arms around George's back to grab a hold of his hand and guide them to the right colors, he briefly heard Sapnap make a snarky remark about them getting a room and sighed in annoyance yet happiness. Even if everyone was scared and worried at least this trip meant spending more time with his friends , he even got to show them his face. He stepped back away from George once the tasks were done just in time for Sapnap to tug his sleeve and point out something the even more obvious couple were doing.

Skeppy and bad were walking past through the storage room to get to the electrical and they were doing something very amusing. Skeppy was sitting on dad's shoulders like a little kid , giggling as he yelled at him to get down while struggling to keep them both upright, a red tint to both of their faces. Obviously him and George would make a cuter couple ( if George liked him back of course) but he had to admit watching them interact was always like a breath of fresh air and unlike him and George the only people who didn't know they liked each other were themselves, everyone else was just awaiting their confessions. Sapnap claimed dream and George were the same way but Dream had his doubts ,George was probably strait after all were as bad and Skeppy at least were gay for each other of nothing else . Dream finds himself making , as his fans fondly called them 'kettle noises', as bad finally lost his balance and the two fell on top of each other

" 'Geppppppyyyyyy "

Bad wined not even noticing the red-faced man below him

" I told you to get down your muffin head! You're short but not THAT short"

Skeppy laughed nervously

" but I was sooo tallllll"

" You made us fall over you muffin !"

" sorry baldy "

" I'm not bald!"

They weren't even aware of the three boys watching them until Sapnap spoke up

" my god, just kiss already "

Bad' face immediately went pink, then finally realizing why the floor underneath him was so warm shifted all the way to red jumped up , off of Skeppy who sighed in relief before sitting up , his face even more red than before

" ah, sorry puppy, you ok?"

" yeah I'm fine "

They both elected , as they often did, to ignore the comment from Sapnap , perfiering to bicker about it they should try again for if it was stupid. In the end bad ended up stumbling out of the room with Skeppy on his shoulders. Dream watched them fondly before turning to his group

" you guys done in here?"

Sapnap and George both nodded before they went up to admin where another group sat with banter happily bouncing off the walls. Phill, Willbur , Tubbo and Tommy were playfully teasing Tommy about his card declining. As always, Phil was just laughing as Willbur riled him up and Tubbo actually tried to help get him to slow down so it could work. Somewhere from the cafeteria there was the sound of two people singing, it was the perfect background noise for the dream team to join into the banter with.

It was surprisingly joyful considering what was going to happen in only 10 hours and the fact that they were drifting in space far from anyone else. But that was ok

( wow this was also short, at this point maybe I'll just assume this will be bit smaller of a fic than normal haha. )

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