One down

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The three ran into Bad and skeppy on their way to cams. They all felt a moment of relief, neither of them was dead but they couldn't stop. They had to get to cams, the origin of the cries. As they got closer dream realized who the sobs belonged to, Tubbo. His stomach turned in worry as the doorway came into view, he mentally counted the people standing by the doorway, Phill, Eret, Willbur and fundy. That's when he knew who it had to be, what he was about to see.

Though, even expecting it He would never have been ready to see what he did.

Tubbo was on his knees next to a familiar red suit, shaking it violently.


Dream felt like his heart was being torn in half as he slowly walked closer to see things better, revealing Tubbo with tears streaming down his face so fast they had left marks already and Tommy.... Tommy was sickening to look at, his nose was slightly bruised, blood dripping from it into his mouth and down his face, his lively blue eyes were cloudy and unfocused, tears still sliding down his pale face and his hair, once fluffy and blond was stuck to his forehead and dyed red, other than his shoulder being shaken by his best friend the boy, once so energetic and proud, was completely still. For a few moments no one but Tubbo could move and even then his desperate cries slowed into a muffled sob as he buried himself into the red fabric below him.

Dream watched as Phill began walking closer to Tubbo, gently touching his shoulder only to be met with a surprising reaction. Tubbo immediately stood up, spun around and pushed phill away


His voice sounded like it hurt but Tubbo didn't even seem to care as he spread out his arms, standing protectively in front of the body.


" T-tubbo"

" WHAT?!"

" Tubbo, he's.... He's dead"

Tubbo's stance faltered


" Tubbo.... Look at him again and honestly tell me if you really think that"

Eret was surprisingly cold but everyone knew he was right, they wouldn't get anywhere if tubbo kept denying the truth. Tubbo glanced again and stared at him before defeat and despair painted itself on all of his features.

"..... I.... I dont..... I can't really deny this can I?"

He sounded so hurt, so desperate for someone to tell him that he could, that his best friend in the whole world wasn't dead at his feet but no one could. Tubbo ran forward into Phill's waiting arms, trembling as Phill rubbed his back slowly. Everyone's feet worked again and they could step into the room again, every single face was miserable, especially Phill , Tubbo and Willbur which made sense, those three mayaswell had been family with him. Dream felt his body move on its own to brush away Tommy's tears and close his eyes to try and make the scene any less brutal. He stared at his still face, hardly noticing George's gentle hug from behind. The air was full of sobs until a single voice turned some of the sorrow to fear.

" The first body had been discovered! In 10 minuets you will meet in the cafeteria and discuss who killed him and decide if you want to vote someone out!"

Then the voice left as soon as it came, leaving the people holding each other and themselves. A silent fear and sorrow sat in the air until Phill broke it

" W-we need to clean up and send away the body"

He was still crying but trying to take charge.

"Wait no!"

Unsurprisingly tubbo broke away from phill who had such a broken look in favor of pushing past dream and grabbing the body.

" We can't just get rid of him-"

" We can't bury him but he needs a funeral and we only have 10 minuets Tubbo..."

The reasoning was solid even if the tone of voice betrayed just how much Phill didn't want to do this.

"O-ok at least let me help"

" of course Tubbo.... He'd want you to"

Wilbur and Phill slowly picked up the body, everyone followed as they found a fountain and cleaned off his face before gently setting him in the chamber that would send him into space.

First Willbur brushed out his hair with a expression filled with guilt

" I wish I could have protected you"

Then Phill came and set him against the wall with a sad smile, whispering something to him. One by one people whispered goodbyes to him before finally Tubbo came through the crowd with three things, flowers from who knows where and a badge with similar origines.

" I meant to give it to you back on earth but I suppose it's better late than never"

Tubbo bent down , whispering to his friend as he attached the badge and laced flowers through his hair.

" I-"

His voice broke with a sob

" I don't know what I'm going to do without you"

He sobbed again looking at the face he knew so well before grabbing his matching pin

" You Don't mind do you?"

He added it next to his own.

" I'm going to miss you"

As he left, Dream caught a look at the badge, it was simple, a bee with the words " Big man, bigger friend". As Tubbo left, Dream could almost swear that Tommy was smiling.

Withheld breaths a button was pressed and the floor dropped from the body and they watched in solemn silence as the body was sucked out before quickly drifting away.

Before they knew it they were at a round table looking at each other.

" Alright I guess it's time to start this discussion!"

Dream wished he could punch the voice for sounding so damn happy.

" Fine, we have to to survive don't we?"

" yeah"

" Alright.... Tubbo what happened?"

(Yikes some angst today, how are your predictions going?)

just 11 mcyt- An among us AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora