Love in War - Chapter 20: A New Normal

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"Preposterous! You're married now. You've a new house and family to worry about."

Shang looked up at his mother unsure of what to say. This wasn't going to end well...

Mulan was a bit taken aback by the mere notion that Shang's mother even bothered to consider her family, but the implication that the Lis were her new family and that she no longer belonged with her parents just angered her.

"I have responsibilities at home. My home ," she asserted firmly, "my mother and grandmother are by no means built for physical labor and my father can hardly walk. It's always been my job to rake and pull weeds from around our field. I intend to do this once a week ... until the season is over at the least!"

"Can they not simply hire someone to take up this menial task?"

"What difference does it make?" Mulan asserted as she flung a small pouch over her shoulder.

"Shang," Shu called.

Oh great.. Shang slowly raised his head, clearly not wanting to involve himself in the matter if he didn't have to.

"Please explain to your wife the ridiculous nature of her intent to travel clear across town to ... garden !"

Shang rose from his seat and stationed himself in front of his wife, "Mulan, it is absolutely ridiculous for you to travel across town every week to garden," he firmly stated.

Mulan stood silently with her mouth agape in utter shock at Shang's position in the argument. Really? I know she's your mother, BUT REALLY!?

"...without an escort, of course," Shang added with a wink and small smirk.

Shu shot him a look but he had already started down the hall and declared he'd be ready to leave momentarily.

"Li Shang!" she called angrily before finally taking a seat and massaging her temples in defeat.

"Li Shang!" she called angrily before finally taking a seat and massaging her temples in defeat

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"Well... that was... interesting..." ShiShi remarked, turning to the small dragon next to him.

"Aren't they cute? I think they're adorable!" Mushu replied, leaning his weight against the lion's large forelimbs.

"Fa Mulan most definitely, as you said, 'plays by her own rules'..."

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