Love in War - Chapter 3: Disgraces to the Empire

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Shock and fear washed over the princesses. What had just happened? It hadn't been even two minutes since he'd forgiven Mulan and Shang for what had happened. He had been HAPPY for them? Why was he so upset?

"So, the three of you perished in an unfortunate river accident?" the Emperor asked accusingly, "At least, that is what Lord Qin had come to believe."

"We did lose the royal carriage in the river," Su tried to explain.

"Why did Mulan lie to Lord Qin, and why did she try to secure the alliance with Qui Gong alone?"

The three girls just stood in silence, eyes shifting towards one another, each sister hoping the next would steal the burden of responding. No one did.

"Qin's letter detailed the Golden Dragon of Unity's words. He said you were released from your vow, and free to marry whomever you pleased. Would you care to explain?" He was starting to lose his patience. He needed answers.

Ting Ting finally spoke, "During our journey... our own hearts led us astray from the mission. We- I... have been selfish. We couldn't bear to go forward with our mission." As the words left her lips, she hung her head in shame.

The Emperor furrowed his brows tightly, "You three abandoned your mission..." his eyes closed and a wave of anger burned over his face, "...and you failed me!"

Mei held Ting Ting and Su's hands, each sister on either side of her. It seemed as though the three of them felt each other's thoughts. With every piercing word, they could feel each other's hands clenching tighter. How could they defend their decision? What could they possibly say?

"And because you broke your vows," the Emperor scolded, "You have put-"

"But the Golden Dragon of Unity!" Su dared to interject, "He freed us from our vows! We didn't have to marry the princes anymore!"

"Your vow was NOT for yourself! It was for your kingdom and your people! You defied me, and you defied all of our subjects! You can NOT put your people aside for your own personal desires!" the Emperor shot back.

Tears began to swell in Mei's eyes, "But that's not fair!" her voice was a gravelly whisper. She thought of Yao and the happiness she felt with him.

She thought of Mulan and Shang- how her father had just finished praising them. Mulan didn't want to marry Prince Jeeki either! She got to follow her heart and marry who she loved! Why couldn't she follow her heart too and marry Yao? Why wasn't she allowed to feel true love- like other girls get to!

"Fa Mulan broke tradition to follow her heart!" her thoughts suddenly turned into words, "She inspired us to do the same! Why is it criminal if we want to follow our hearts too?!"

Ting Ting and Su released their hands from Mei's. They were taken aback. Did Mei just fight back against their father? Was she implying that Mulan should be punished? The last thing they wanted was for their decisions to hurt anyone else, especially someone as kind and selfless as Mulan!

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