Love in War - Chapter 7: Truths in Perspective

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The families discussed everything from food to guests to trusted tailors to buy outfits from, and to Shang's shock, his mother was responding completely normally. While she clearly wasn't leaping with joy, she wasn't expressing any distaste or anger towards the Fa family. Maybe what he had told his mother had gotten through to her. This could work out after all.

"Of course, we need to establish a date for the ceremonies to begin," Fa Li chimed in.

"Yes, I say sometime in the coming weeks," Fa Zhou suggested.

"Coming weeks?!" Shu repeated in shock, "If I'm not mistaken, the children have just returned from a trip out of the country! Is it not tradition that the young bride resides only in her home in the months before her marriage?"

Mulan hadn't even considered that! She knew it was a custom, but the issue had never crossed her mind.

"Yes," Fa Li started, "but don't you think we've all waited long enough? I'm sure no one would mind if we overlooked such formalities."

Shu raised a finger up, about to speak, before having her arm slightly touched by Shang, who gave her a look reminding her of what they'd discussed prior. She subtly swatted his hand away but had gotten the point.

"...of course," she reluctantly agreed.

"Excellent!" Fa Zhou replied happily, "After all, like the streams swell and dry, and the seasons shift, our world adapts. Small changes and twists to the way things have been are part of nature."

Shu lightly rolled her eyes at his statement. Nature is predictable. It changes in cycles and these changes are expected and constant. Winter arrives at roughly the same time each year. It's never skipped.

Shang knew what she was thinking; she hated hearing anything that tried to justify the defiance of tradition. He tried to hide the conflict in his mind and turned to Mulan, who was hunched forward with her hands folded on her lap, staring into space. The two of them sat amidst the conversation feeling a bit trapped. While the discussion was about their marriage, they weren't very involved in it. Neither dared to interrupt anyone who was speaking, so they both just sat between their parents in an awkward silence.

Upon noticing their discomfort, Fa Li chimed in, "Mulan, can you go out back and check on the dog? I thought I heard him scratching the door earlier... Why don't you go with her, Shang?"

Mulan silently thanked her and led Shang through the back door. Upon emerging outside, she let out a sigh of relief.

"I don't know about you, but I was dying in there!" she said with a slight giggle as Little Brother ran up to her and started jumping on her legs.

Shang, who was still in a slight trance, took a second to process what she said before responding, "Oh.. yes!"

Mulan's smile faded, "Shang, I know something's bothering you. You can tell me."

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