Love in War - Chapter 17: The Wedding (Part 2)

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Night passed quickly, and it seemed like no sooner than when the couple fell asleep they were awoken again. Luckily, the to-do list for today would prove much less hectic and stressful than the day prior. A celebratory reception was to be held at the Fa house, as a sort of final farewell and send off to their daughter. In all honesty, Mulan couldn't wait for it.

It wasn't that there was anything wrong with the Li house; the building itself was gorgeous, and the grounds, while lacking in animals and livestock that she was accustomed to, were lovely, and she would likely spend hours strolling them if given the opportunity. It was just something didn't feel quite right. She'd had an easier time acquainting herself with the raggedy tent she'd made her months long home at the Wu Zhong training camp, than she did in this house. Oddly enough, she felt even more out of place here; like she didn't belong. She'd spent last night tossing and turning, waiting for sleep to take her, but for the longest time it refused. All she could do was hope things would get less complicated in time.

"Did you sleep alright?" Shang dared to ask as Mulan woke up.

"Yeah, great," she lied.

It wasn't like there was anything he could do. Why drag him into her problems?

The two rose and went about their morning routine, much of which involved Shang helping Mulan to navigate the house. She hated having to be so dependent, but she let it go. She'd get it soon enough. Unfortunately for her, an average routine in this household would also involve breakfast with the oh so renowned Tàitài Shu.

The trio sat down and had bowls and tea cups handed to them by a servant; very different from Mulan's home on an average day. They spent a moment in an awkward silence before beginning their meal. The silence lingered on as Shu stared at Mulan indifferently, Shang's glances shifted between the two of them, and Mulan just stared down at her food, unsure of what to do. While in the privacy of her mind, she had many a times fantasized about asserting herself in front of her and having Shang's mother simply accept her as she was, she could never bring herself to do such a thing. Rude and pompous and arrogant and ... and as downright annoying as Shu was, she was still Shang's mother, and disrespect toward her would be disrespect toward him.

"So, Tàitài... I mean Ma... uh," Mulan started in an effort to break the silence, only to find herself in a predicament, "I'm sorry, do I... or rather, may I call you 'Mother'?"

Her own Mother referred to her grandmother in that manner, so was that to be the norm from now on? She honestly didn't know.

Shu sipped from her cup, holding her chin high in a cold dismissal of her question before bringing herself to answer, "No, you may not."

Mulan and Shang looked to each other at a loss before Shang replied, "Then what would you prefer?"

Shu put her cup and saucer down with a harsh clank, "Madam or Ma'am will do."

Mulan's face read a hint of disappointment as she lowered her head, "Of course, Ma'am... will you be joining us for the reception at my parent's house?"

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