Love in War - Chapter 24: Life

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Months had passed and Mulan once again found herself working the Fa family farm with Shang while a small swarm of little girls played soldier nearby -today's work running a bit behind schedule as the couple had completed some business in town before coming over. The season was coming to an end and, after today, they likely wouldn't need to return the following week. It was a bit of a shame if she was completely honest. They'd come to quite enjoy their time there; it was hard, make no mistake - the sun beat down on them harshly and they found themselves sweating through their clothes as they spent long hours forming calluses on their hands raking and pulling at weeds - but, for some reason, it had still become the highlight of her schedule. Maybe it was that she got to spend so long away from Shang's judgemental mother, maybe it was spending time with Shang in general, or maybe she enjoyed the company of the sporadic horde of children that for some reason had chosen her as their leader. Whatever it was, she knew it was an experience she would miss.

While Shang carried away some crates of produce to be taken back to the house, Mulan found herself wrestling with a weed, trying to pull it from a garden bed. As her body moved back and forth through the tugging, she felt all her strength retreat to her arms, leaving her faint and light-headed. She gave herself a moment to grip her head and breathe when she felt a hand place itself on her shoulder.

"I've got it," Shang said gently, extending an arm to help her up before ripping the thing from the ground with a swift pull.

Mulan just stared at him as she regained her composure; she didn't enjoy being so blatantly one-upped by Shang, but she was grateful nonetheless. She was strangely tired anyway - well not necessarily strangely, but she had taken notice. He was just looking out for her.

"You alright? Wanna call it a day?" he asked, clapping the dirt off of his hands.

She took a moment to survey her surroundings, taking in the sight of the girls and the work they had done; she didn't really want to leave, but, at the same time, their duty here was complete. With some hesitation, she nodded yes and agreed to go.

"So, what are we going to do about them?" Shang asked her, subtly gesturing toward the children. She still found his confusion around the kids adorable. In the time that had passed, he'd definitely gotten better, but she liked the fact that he wasn't quite there. Knowing that there were situations where she could bring out his more awkward side was convivial and a refreshing change of pace from the always-in-control general.

"We're gonna have to break it to them," Mulan sighed, "we've procrastinated long enough." She gave Shang an expectant stare, waiting for him to step up and start the conversation. He let out a slight sigh before shooting her a look back and giving in.

"Girls," he announced, causing the sporadic swarm to stop in its tracks and face him, "there's something we need to tell you."

The little faces all showed signs of concern and confusion as they stared him down for more information.

"The training is going to have to take a little break..." he tried to lay down the news as gently as he could.


"Oh, like recess!"

Love in WarDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora