Love in War - Chapter 10: Assessments

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Following Mulan's cold dismissal, Shang made his way out of the Fa house where he reconvened with his mother, the utmost concern for what had occurred in her and Mulan's conversation. He found her outside, ready to take leave of the estate.

The two started back home in silence. Shang knew he needed to ask his mother what had happened, but at the same time, he needed to formulate his question so he got a proper response. If he was accusatory, she'd get in the defensive, and he'd never get a response. Similarly, if he took an exculpatory tone, he may end up painting himself in a corner. He had to be smart about this.

"So what did you and Mulan discuss?" Shang asked her as innocently as he could muster, "It must've been important for you to want to speak with her privately."

Shu gave him a stare that implied he was prying before she responded.

"Nothing of consequence," she dismissed.

"Mulan didn't seem to take it that lightly..."

"I simply gave her the proper welcome into the Li family, son. There's no need to make such a fuss over it; especially since my personal conversation with my potential daughter-in-law does not concern you," a stern tone now had taken over her voice, and her annoyance at the topic at hand was apparent.

"She seemed a little defensive and upset though," Shang started to respond, not willing to give up so quickly, " Mother, if I may, what did you tell her?"

"I simply informed her of the values of our household and how she would fit into it if she chooses to continue in this endeavor. I'm sorry if that isn't to her liking!"

Was that it? Was Mulan taken aback by his family's strict and orderly structure...? No! That couldn't be it! Mulan's family clearly wasn't as ultra-orthodox as his own, but they weren't oblivious! And he'd already warned her prior of his mother's love for tradition; there's no way that could've been what had upset her!

"Girls like her are no good for our kind, Shang. They act on their own accord and don't hold sacred any of the customs that have kept our society running for generations! They're a different breed of people from our own," Shu cautioned him once again.

Shang rolled his eyes at her statement. It was clear he had lost this argument, and wouldn't succeed in getting any of the desired information from his mother. He simply braced himself for the lecture that would undeniably follow. He'd heard it a hundred times. Tales of men and women who survived great feats and brought honor to their families by adhering to their respective roles in society. This then fed into her critique of Mulan and her family. The remainder of their journey home consisted of Shu nitpicking everything that had occurred during their visit:

"I saw the girl almost drop the tea tray while bringing it to the table! One might think she'd never walked in a dress before! Speaking of which, there was a faded stain of makeup on that dress! Did she not think to choose an outfit that hadn't been soiled! The girl's posture isn't quite right either. I feel bad for her dear parents! Didn't you see? They were as shocked as we were when she served us last! Oh, the nerve... Fa Li actually seems like a quite respectable woman. Very poised and elegant, a bit nervous, but who could blame her! The husband, Fa Zhou, is much too lenient, however! And his mother is out of control!"

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