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(Paing Takhon as Geo Maxwell)! This man is so dreamy🤤..

(Paing Takhon as Geo Maxwell)! This man is so dreamy🤤

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"Fuck." I whispered to myself as I heard my alarm going off. I hated waking up at nine in the morning, but today there's a meeting at my uncle's home. I hated going to those fucking meetings too, my uncle always tends to piss me off at every single one of them.

At every meeting, he finds some way to shit talk my girlfriend and I swear every time he does it, I just want to jump across the table and rip his fucking head off. Let's not forget about yesterday when he had the fucking nerve to slap her.

Speaking of my girlfriend, I haven't spoken to her since I left her house last night. I've texted her numerous times, but she still hasn't responded. I'm not going to trip about it though. Maybe she just fell asleep? I hope that's what the case is.

I walked over to my bathroom, and I turned on the shower. I took myself a quick and hot shower. I put on my clothes after doing the rest of my morning stuff before I headed downstairs.

When I made it downstairs, I saw Gigi and that Trent kid that she's dating. They were cuddling on the sofa, making me cringe.

Me: "What are you two doing?"

They both jumped up when they heard my voice and they looked terrified, which made me laugh.

Gigi: "Nothing."

Me: "I honestly don't give a fuck what you two do, but no having sex or I'll kick both of your asses."

Gigi: "Geo get out! No one is going to have sex."

Me: "Gigi you aren't innocent, just very sneaky."

Gigi: "I am not sneaky."

Trent: "Gigi, you're kind of sneaky."

Me: "Even your boyfriend agrees with me."

Gigi: "Fuck both of you."

Me: "Language!"

𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺 𝑶𝑩𝑺𝑬𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑶𝑵Where stories live. Discover now