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I've been scared and paranoid ever since my house was broken into. I could only wonder how that guy got into my house, and if he could possibly do it again. I've made sure all doors were locked ever since, but I don't even know if that'll help at all.

It's a Tuesday afternoon and I was asleep until my phone rung, making me jump out of my sleep. I ignore it, throw my phone to the edge of my bed. It rung two more times, pissing me off so I finally answered. I checked to see it was Ms. Karla and I instantly woke up.

Me: "Hello?"

Ms. Karla: "Why the hell weren't you answering my calls?"

Me: "I was peacefully sleeping that's why?"

Ms. Karla: "I need you to get down to the Lipthion right now!"

Me: "I thought I was off for the week?"

Ms. Karla: "You are, but I need you to get down here NOW!"

Me: "What's going on?"

Ms. Karla: "Do you ever stop asking questions? Just get your ass down here!"

Me: "I'm on my way.."

I hung up the phone and I screamed because I didn't want to go to that place at all this week. I rushed over to my bathroom, getting ready before I put on a hoodie with some tights before I left my house.

When I made it to the Liphtion, I got out of my car, and I saw a lot of luxury cars parked outside, causing my confusion grow. I tried opening the door, but there was two huge men blocking it. I knocked on the door, making turn around to look at me. They opened the door for me before I walked inside to meet Karla.

I turned around to see Ryder, Geo, Derek, along with numerous other men standing around. Derek looked like he was pissed about something.

Me: "I wonder what the fuck is going on now?"

Kelsey and Leah soon walked in before they walked over to me and Karla. We all stood there confusedly.

Me: "What's goi-"

I was cut off by Derek Liphtion throwing a chair across the floor, catching everyone's attention. We all looked at him and he looked absolutely pissed for some reason.

D. Lipthion: "You are all probably wondering what is going on, right?"

Me: "Yes."

D. Lipthion: "This can go really fast, or we can sit here all day. It's two in the afternoon and I have nothing else to do today so it's up to you."

Sir just get on with whatever you're trying to say.

D. Lipthion: "You guys know I love this place and I like all of my workers, right?"

Nobody said anything, we all just looked at him waiting for him to get to the point.

D. Lipthion: "The answer is yes I do, but if one of you try screwing over me, I'd kill you without hesitation."

I rolled my eyes in frustration.

D. Liphtion: "Over the weekend I received a devastating phone call, and I was served with papers from one of my guests. I was told they ate one of my cakes and got a case of bad food poisoning."

Oh shit.

D. Lipthion: "The flavor of the cake I was informed they ate was chocolate."

I felt my heart drop to ass after hearing that. I was in charge of making all the chocolate cakes, but I would never put anything in a cake to poison someone! Leah kicked my leg under the table, and I gave her a side eye.

𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺 𝑶𝑩𝑺𝑬𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑶𝑵Where stories live. Discover now