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"Fuck it's too early." I whispered as I got up out of my bed before walking into the bathroom to get ready. I honestly didn't get any sleep last night because Ms. Kenna wouldn't leave me alone. She found out that Geo and I had history, now she wouldn't stop talking about it.

I laughed at her jokes about us, but after a while, she started to say things that made me think of him. After I finished in the bathroom, I headed downstairs, smelling something delicious. I walked down to see Ms. Kenna making breakfast.

"You're so lucky that I have to leave early!" I said before I walked over to Ms. Kenna, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning beautiful!" Ms. Kenna said to me, making me smile.

Ms. Kenna was making her infamous cheesy eggs, cinnamon rolls, French toast, bacon, grits, and she also had donuts. She had more sweet foods than anything.

Ms. Kenna: "Now what do you mean that you can't stay to eat? I cooked all of this food because I know how much you and Nolan love it."

"Ouu it smells good in here!" I heard someone say before I turned to see Nolan pushing Holan out of the way.

"Come on dickhead!" Holan complained.

Nolan: "Shut the fuck up."


Nolan and Holan both shut up when she yelled before they sat down. I couldn't help to laugh at her getting them both in check.

Me: "What I mean Ms. Kenna is that I have to be to work by 8:15 to open up. It's currently 7:35 right now.."

Ms. Kenna: "Oh honey please! Sit down!"

Me: "I have to get gas and it takes about fifteen minutes to get to where I work depending on the traffic."

Ms. Kenna: "Sit down now!"


"I'm not going to ask again."

I instantly sat down, watching Ms. Kenna fix me a plate of food before placing it in front of me.

Ms. Kenna: "What time does wherever you work open?"

Me: "Nine."

Ms. Kenna: "Girl eat up! You're just like your mama!"

I fell in love as I bit into the flavorful cinnamon roll.

"Your mom acted like she always had to be on time! She hated being even being two minutes late! She would stress herself out trying to be on time." Ms. Kenna said, making me laugh because she was right.

Me: "Oh I know. I remember when mama was a little late to graduation and she blew my phone in the middle of graduation to find out if she was late or not."

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