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It was a Friday morning and also my weekend off. I'd just gotten out of bed and went into the bathroom to put on some tights and a Nike sweater before I went downstairs.

When I made it downstairs, I didn't see anybody down there, but I just sat at the counter and got on my phone.  I've been paranoid and confused ever since I received a call from that guy.

I honestly have no idea who would even want to kill me, I mean I didn't even do anything to anybody. Just to know that this happening to me and there's no one I can tell because nobody would believe me most likely, is the part that sucks.

I blocked the guy's number, but he still got my number another way and he won't leave me alone. I don't understand why he wants me dead so badly. While I was sitting at the counter, I started hearing someone slowly walk downstairs and I froze.

I thought everybody was gone. If everybody is gone, then who the fuck is coming down the stairs? I placed my phone the counter and I turned around and I saw Elijah coming downstairs.

Me: "Shit, you scared me."

Elijah: "Of course I did."

Me: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Elijah: "You've been really jumpy since you've gotten out of the hospital."

Me: "And I have a good reason."

Elijah laughed when I said that, and he shook his head.

Elijah: "Is it because you THINK you saw a man?"

Me: "Elijah, I'm telling you- never mind it's pointless.."

Elijah: "Okay well I have to go.."

Me: "Bye."

Elijah: "Are you mad?"

Me: "No."

Elijah walked over to me, and he hugged me.

Elijah: "I wouldn't give a fuck if you were or not."

I looked at Elijah and he was smiling so I gave him the middle finger.

Me: "Goodbye Elijah."

Elijah: "Goodbye Hendia."

He walked away from me, and he left. When he closed the door, I looked out of the window and made sure he was gone before I ran over to the door and locked it.  I then went over to the window and closed the blinds also. After I did that, I went over to the counter, grabbed my phone before I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room.

I know I'm probably being a little too paranoid, but I've been so scared lately. I laid down in my bed, put on my TV, and I went to Netflix to put on Lucifer because I love this show. I had a dresser full of snacks, so I believe I'll be good in here for the rest of the day.

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