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"Hendia I need you to not freak out, okay?" Geo said, making me laugh in disbelief. "Not freak out? You just revealed to me that your uncle killed my parents!" I replied, pacing back and forth around the room.

"Keep your voice down Hendia." 

"I don't believe you. There's no way he could've done it." I said, not knowing what to think or do. Geo laughed before looking me up and down. "No way he could've done it? Hendia you aren't gullible enough to actually believe that! This is the same guy who said your parents deserved to die." Geo said and I knew he was right. 

"I- I just don't understand Geo. How do you know?" I asked, trying to wrap my head around this. "Hendia I will tell you, but I need you to take a seat." Geo replied and I looked at the seat on side of the bed before I took a seat, waiting for Geo to start talking. 

"Andrew and Derek were in a big fight because apparently, Andrew turned Derek in for doing some illegal shit that fucked up his life for a while." Geo started off. 

"This argument went on for weeks until Derek finally lost it. Two days before your parents were killed, he told Andrew that he was going to make him regret everything that he'd done to him." Geo said and I rose up in my seat. I remembered the messages Uncle Dean showed me between my dad an unknown number.

"After he threatened Andrew, he began working on a board, planning how he was going to kill your parents. Originally, his plan was going to break into your home and stab them in their sleep, but he felt that was too easy for them." I felt sick to my stomach listening to this.

"He planned out a few other things, until he got the hit and run idea. He said that after the hit and run was a success, he then walked over to the car. Holly and Andrew were going to make it, but that was until Derek grabbed a knife before he stabbed them numerous times." Geo said lastly and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. 

"My parents could have still been alive if he hadn't overkilled them." I said, staring at the ground. "A-and he just told you all of this? Why?" I asked. 

"I guess he thought that I wouldn't survive his attack, so he told me before he did it." Geo replied, making me laugh because was a complete idiot. "Does he still have the board?" I asked, looking over to Geo. 

"Derek doesn't get rid anything so I'm sure he does, but I have no idea where he keeps it." Geo said, shrugging his shoulders. "Guess I'll have to search his house for it." I said, standing up from my seat. Geo grabbed onto my hand before shaking his head. 

"Hendia listen to me."


"I'm getting released in less than two hours from now. We can go to the police together and I'll tell them everything. Just please stay with me. I just woke up from being asleep a whole week and I've missed you." Geo said, holding onto my hand. 

I could tell Geo really wanted me to stay with him and the only thing I've wanted this whole week was to touch him again. "Fine I won't go." I said, kissing Geo's forehead. "Well do you want anything? I'm sure you're either hungry or thirsty after not eating for a week." I laughed.

"If you don't mind, I'd like some water and a tiny snack please." Geo said. "Of course, I don't mind. I'll be right back." I smiled at Geo before walking out of the room. My smile instantly dropped as I walked down the hallway. 

"Sorry love, but I'm doing it for my parents." I whispered before I began to run as fast as I could to my car before I left, making my way over to Derek's.


I stepped out of my car as I looked around, seeing that no one was home. "This ends today." I said before walking over to the door. I twisted the doorknob and surprisingly it was unlocked. What a fucking idiot to leave his door unlocked. 

𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺 𝑶𝑩𝑺𝑬𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑶𝑵Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα