Chapter 22 ~ Dana's POV ~

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I slept all day only waking up to hearing someone splashing around in our bathtub. Dean is either bathing the boys or his having one. I sat up and felt fine again, even my stomach felt good. I need to do a pee so headed into the bathroom. 

Finding Dean leaning onto the tub looking me up and down looking handsome as hell as always. "Hello" I said stunned, he chuckles, "Hi Dana. Are you nervous around me?" He asked with a smirk on his face, "No, I'm." I stumbled over my words still nothing is coming out, "Cat got your tongue?" He asked, "Yes, doing my best not to explode on the spot here." He starts laughing, "Join me." 

He spreads his arms out wide I can see snippets of his body through the bubbles, "Can I pee first?" I asked, he smiles and nod his head, "Go right ahead." I quickly head to the loo and do my thing, washing my hands. I start pulling my clothes off, walk up to him. He moves back to let me in, holding my hand as I step into the tub. Sitting in between his legs and leaning back he wraps his arms around me. It felt good, water was hot, him comfortable as hell. I could go back to sleep if his other member wasn't digging into my back. "How are you feeling?" He asked, "Much better, how are our boys?" I asked.

"Asleep, but good. They had their daytime nap in here with you." I looked back up at him, "They did?" I feel bad now, I miss them. "Aye, you were completely gone, I stayed in here working on my laptop, just in case you rolled around a bit. They've only just gone to sleep. It was good spending all this time with them. I enjoyed myself, we did miss you though." His hands roaming over my body, "Oh, I missed them too. Thank you for stepping up for me today." His hands stopped moving as he took a deep breath in, "Dana, I helped in making them I do have to do my part without being asked." He sounded upset, which is not what I meant. 

"I didn't mean to word it that way babe." I whispered, "Was just letting you know." He kisses my neck, "Ok" His hands start to roam my body again, I lean my head back onto his shoulder, as I moan out. "Let me try something new?" He asked, "No! back door is out only Mister!" he starts laughing, "Wasn't talking about that." As he said it, he lowered himself down pushing me up a little and entering me. Holding on to my hips moving me up and down. His hitting spots his never had before or been awhile and I cannot remember. "ahhhh F*ck Dean!" I moan out, "You like this?" He growls out, "AYE! Don't stop!" I yelled out, grabbing ahold of the bathtub side, sitting up a little moving my hips faster I could feel myself coming. 

"mmmm aghhhh Yes Dana keep moving like that. I'm so dam close are you lass?" He pants out, "AYE! mmmm oooo yes like that yes!" Dean has gripped my hips moving us both faster, water and bubbles are going everywhere, I arch my back, leaning my head back moving a hand down rubbing my clit hard, feeling the twisting knot about to release. "Oh, fuck yes Dean! Dean! oooooooooo shit!" I screamed out, "Yes! FUCK YES DANA!" 

Collapsing back onto him panting, shaking all over, still having aftershocks, Deans arms wrap around me his breathing hard too. "We are doing that one more often." He chuckles, "Any form of doing it we will be doing it." He said as I started laughing too, he slips out of me I cuddle further into him.

"Now please explain the random from last night?" I looked up at him in shock, what is he talking about, "Huh? What random are you talking about?" I asked, "The one that made a pass at you?" He said sounding angry, "I really have no idea what you're talking about Dean. No one had hit on me from my memory." I said, he didn't seem to be happy with that response, "ok"

I know this is not the end of this conversation, "Why did you ask that?" I asked confused, "I turned you down about having sex, as you know" I cut him off, "You always want me to remember every time we are together, yes I know your views and I agree with you one hundred percent." I said, I heard him do a sigh, "That's nice to hear." Oh no he sounds hurt and upset, what the hell did I say and do last night? "Oh no what did I say? If it was bad, I am so dam sorry!"

"You said you should have taken the random up on his offer. No point in apologizing for something you do not remember." He said, even though he said that he still sounded hurt, "Oh Fuck! Dean I would never say that type of shite. I am so dam sorry for my drunk self in saying that to you." Turning around in his arms, giving him heaps of kisses. "I'm up for round two if you are?" He smirks, "I'm always up for another round Dean McCarthy." I whispered against his lips, "mmmmm keep saying my name and we will be going all night long." I lean back looking at him in shock, "You really do want me pregnant?" I asked.

He smiles at me, that smile that I love so much. "Aye, watching your belly growing with the boys and after having them in our arms is an amazing feeling, scary but amazing. If it's too early for you to get pregnant we will deal with it together."

"Don't think it will be too early but who knows it will definitely come with risks towards the end." I replied, "How about you find out if you are at the appointment and we go from there?" he said, "Ok, did you make the appointment tomorrow with your friend?" I asked, "Aye I did, him and his wife will love you." I smiled, "You think?" Only remembering his last group of friends and what they had done, I just hope these two are nicer, much nicer. "Yes, because I love you." He smiled while I just look at him not quite sure about that. 

"Doesn't mean your friends will." I said, "These ones will. Have an idea of what you want?" I smiled at him, "I have a few but want to see what he thinks." I want to surprise my husband for once. "Ok." I wonder what he wants done next, "You?" I softly ask, "I want one on my belly." I smiled oh that sounds sexy as hell, "I like the sound of that." 

We kissed and hugged until the water went cold, we dried and headed to bed, he turned on the TV for me to watch a movie. "I rather be doing something else." I said biting my bottom lip. "Do you now?" He said, "Yep." I said with a big smile as I said the 'P' loudly, "Cutting up some fabric." The look he just gave me is priceless, "What? Are you for real?" doing my best not to laugh, "No but love seeing that look on your face!" I started laughing, "Oh, you are going to pay for that."

He half sits up pinning me to the bed, running his finger's down my side reaching my tickle spot and started tickling me, laughing my head off. "ahhh stop Dean ahhhh please." I begged, "Ok" He said, moving himself in between my legs kissing and biting as he moves along my body as I moan out under his touches. A loud bang came from the boy's room, we jumped up. Just then one of the boy's started screaming blue murder, we both ran into the room.

"Fuck!" Dean yelled out, as we both rushed towards their room, we found Sebastian on the floor screaming, shite! How the hell did he get down on the floor. I race in picking him up cuddling him checking over him, looking up at Dean in fear. "Do we take him to the hospital?" I asked panicked, "Let me check him" he said, I see the army man is in charge right now. 

I hand him over; he starts moving his hand over Sebastian's head pulling his clothes down to check his body. "I think his fine, but to ease you I'll call the ambulance to double-check over him." He said, I nod my head as I couldn't take my eyes off our son. Dean hands him back to me as Sebastian only wants me. I cuddle into Dean crying with Sebastian in my arms. Somehow Alex is still sound asleep. Dean makes the phone call to the ambulance. "Did he try to climb out of his cot?" I asked, "Looks it, going to have to lower the bed part, before he really hurts himself, will do Alex's at the same time."

"Thank you." We quickly throw on some clothes then made our way downstairs in the lounge room waiting for them to arrive. Thirty minutes later they had left and given him the all-clear. Sebastian still in my arms, I look up at Dean. "Think he can sleep in our bed?" I asked softly, "Yeah he can." Dean turns the lights off, as I make my way up to our room. As I pass the boys room, I hear a soft voice call out. "Momma" Alexander called out, I head into the room, finding him standing up in his cot looking up at me smiling. I shift Sebastian in my arms so I could pick up Alexander. "Hi Sweetie" I said to him, as I make my way out of the room, Dean is waiting in the hallway. "Here let me." He picks up Sebastian out of my arms, we both head into our room and lay down with the boy's in the middle of us. We fell asleep fast; I didn't sleep well with getting kicked in the face or my side by one of the boy's often. For two little people they sure know how to take up space in the bed.

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