Chapter 21 ~ Dean's & Dana's POV ~

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**Dean's POV**


I cannot believe I just called her by her real name, I don't do that as she doesn't want anything to do with that name anymore. But Fuck is this just drunk talk or is something else going on here? Been worried sick for hours, even my own brothers got sick of me. 

I know she needs to have some fun with the girls, but my mind kept on going back to that night he took her. She may have been drunk as hell, but she sure looked smoking hot to me. Better check to see if the little drunk thing actually locked up the house. I fucken loved the drunk texts she had been sending me they were cute, I knew when she got home she would be wanting me if I followed her drunk text thinking she had been wanting me since she left the house.

Nope, the front door is wide open, and all the lights are on. Shaking my head while I laugh to myself, "Sure know how to have fun my little thing." I whispered. Locking up the house double-checking every room, turning off the lights. I knew it she went in every room looking for me, smiling to myself. 

Heading back to our room, Dana had moved around some on the bed taking up the whole bed how someone so tinny can take up that much room. My shirt on her has come up exposing her beautiful body. I love seeing her in my clothes. I moved her around so I could get into bed without hurting her. I moved us into a spooning position pulling her shirt down. Making sure most of my body is holding or touching her. "Mmmmm I love you, Dean McCarthy." She mumbled, "Are you awake? I love you too Dana McCarthy." 

Looking at her, she's sound asleep or passed out. I cuddle into her some more, she wiggles her bum into my cock it went rock hard, it's going to be a long night of no sleep for me. Somehow, I managed to fall asleep with her in my arms.

"ARGHHH WHY! WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" She screamed out, "Huh?! Not again dam it Dana wake up it's just a dream." I start brushing her hair off her face, her eyes flew opening in fear, then she noticed whose arms she was in. I hate this I hate how much pain she is in. "Dean?" She whispers, "Aye sweetie" I whispered back to her, "How the hell, hold that thought!" She pushed out of my arms running to the bathroom vomiting. 

Is she pregnant? No, she's hungover, I hope she's not pregnant after drinking all that alcohol. I race in after her holding her hair back. "Aghhh, man that's much better. I'm sorry Dean." I looked at her in question, what is she on about, could she still be drunk still? "For what sweetie?" She gives my arm a light squeeze, "For waking you up again." She groaned out, "It's ok" She cuts me off, "Dean, how did I get home?" She whispers while I looked at her shocked, "Wow you really don't remember?" I asked.

Looks like I won't be getting any answers about this random guy from her. "I remember talking to Monica about what she's keeping from everyone, then woke up screaming in your arms." She mumbles I hate that Monica wants her to keep a secret from me, "Are you ok? You can tell me; I won't tell Jamie or anyone else. No secrets between us sweetie." I whispered back as she leans into me, "I told her I wouldn't tell you." She shakes her head at me, "I won't let her know that I know." I coaxed her, hoping she will tell me, "Dean, trust me it's not a nice thing to know." She sighs, nope I don't like this, I can see it weighing down on her. "Then she shouldn't have put this on you love. You have enough to deal with, without adding more to it."

She stood up and made her way to the sink brushing her teeth and washing her face before grabbing my hand and making our way to the bed. What the hell is Monica making her keep this secret for? I wonder what it is, with her it could be anything. 

She climbs into bed pulling my top off of her and looking up at me nodding at my boxer's. I take them off before getting into bed next to her. She cuddles up into me shaking, oh no what type of secret is this. She is not keeping this from me if this is what it's doing to her. "Dana your shaking," I said worried, "I know, because if I tell you this, I will lose her forever, Jamie could leave her and you might hate Bryce." I looked at her in shock, what the hell could make me want to hate a dam child for? 

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