Chapter 1 ~DANA'S POV~

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Who would have thought that after a short few months after crashing into Dean out the front of my workplace that I would be only twenty-four hours from walking down the aisle to marry him?

I know it is extremely fast in the eyes of normal people, but I do not care I love him so much, I know he loves me too.

I also know that his whole family would rather do all of this now while Aaron is still here instead of waiting for him to come back, I get the feeling that Dean believes he may not be coming back from this mission. I understand the rush in us and Jamie and Monica in getting married.

I have gone back to work but only part-time and if I am being honest, I do not think I will ever go back to full-time. My feet hurt the most but trying to stay in the kitchen when all I want to do is hug the toilet bowl is telling me I just cannot work in this field anymore. Erin has noticed, as I am now her supervisor while I am rostered on as she has been covering me while I needed to use the bathroom.

Thanks to her being with Aaron we have gotten closer, Monica has been acting weird around us when we are in our zone in the kitchen doing our banter together. If I did not know any better, I would think Monica is jealous that we are getting close.

In six days, we did a lot, to get this wedding-ready for this weekend, I am shocked that I am not a stress head that everyone keeps telling me I would be.

I have not found it as stressful as everyone keeps telling me, I go with whatever is in stock, on special, or in-season no point in expecting things to be available when it is not the right season.

I know Dean is more than capable of paying for it all, but when I can I have been paying for things out of my own money, as I am not marrying him for his money.

Dean is in the process of selling his house to Aaron and Erin, I have no idea what will happen to us when the closing date of the sale comes which is very soon, I believe.

Monica and Jamie have changed their wedding date so many times they have now set it for two weeks after our wedding, which they have chosen the same weekend as our baby shower, we are hoping to also announce what we are having then too.

Finding a dress when my baby bump changes every day some days it smaller, on those days my back hurts the most, and on others they are so out the front that I feel like I could topple over, I feel and look bigger than I should. I believe that just comes with carrying two babies over one. I did find a dress that is beautiful and will fit over my stomach no matter what these two chose to do tomorrow to me.

It's not my dream dress as I cannot wear that type of dress being pregnant along with it being such a short notice wedding, I wouldn't be able to get it fitted in time.

Pulling up out the front of Monica's house I look over at the man that I will soon be calling my husband for some reason I am scared, he notices the change in my mood leaning over grabbing my hand he smiles at me.

"It will be ok, lass it's for only one night." He whispered.

Do not cry Dana, you need to stop this.

"I know it's only just one night, but I am going to miss you," I whispered.

He kisses my hand, "Aye, so will I lass. Come on let us get you three out of this truck."

He climbs out and helps me down as a good six inches of snow had fallen overnight, Dean being Dean didn't want to risk me falling over in the snow as I have been clumsy lately.

He has my bag on his shoulder as he helps me down and walking to the front door. Pulling me in for a passionate kiss, that is making me want to have fun with him in that porch swing that Monica has out the front, pulling away as he brushes the hair off my face.

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