Chapter 26 - I.S.A.A.C. The Spider-Bot

Start from the beginning

Paul: "The crime rate would effectively drop 13 percentiles!"

You and Spike looked at each other in confusion,

Paul sighed before unplugging the USB from the spider-bot.

Paul: "Crime's going to decrease by 13% per 1,000 residents."

Y/N & Spike: "Oh!"

Sci-Twi: "And ta-da! Project I.S.A.A.C. is now officially complete."

You admired the spider-bot and smiled

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You admired the spider-bot and smiled.

Y/N: "It looks amazing you two. The brightest minds of CHS working together to aid Spider-Man!"

Paul: "Well, I have always wanted to build a robot animal."

Sci-Twi: "And I have always wanted to create an assistive spider companion with mechanical web-shooters, 1080p cameras, illusion tech, a tracking device, and camouflage setting." She flashed a huge smile which made Paul blush.

Y/N: "Let's try it out!" You pushed a power button and the spider-bot came to life. As it started analyzing its' environment, Paul gave you some retro pilot sunglasses. 

Paul: "Wear this

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Paul: "Wear this. The lenses and any of your masks give you full access to ISAAC's capabilities. For simplicity, Twilight and I gave Isaac three modes. There's pet mode, stealth mode, and of course, attack mode."

Sci-Twi: "In pet mode, the ISAAC's eyes will be green. He'll act like a dog and a spider. He loves getting his abdomen rubbed and will create intricate spider-webs on his own as well as chase flies and small creatures. He'll listen to you most of the time but, he'll do his own thing from time to time."

She rubbed ISAAC's abdomen which caused the robot spider to snuggle against her.

Sci-Twi: "Awww, he's almost as cute as Spike."

Spike deadpanned at Sci-Twi before going back to his magazine.

Paul: "In stealth mode, ISAAC can infiltrate any facility."

ISAAC's eyes turned blue and he jumped onto the wall and turned invisible. 

Y/N: "Woah. All I see is a blue outline."

Spunset: Spider-Man Male Reader x MLP EQGWhere stories live. Discover now