17 • Glucose

151 4 25

They played a few more games, they were all surprised on how high voices Johnny and Jaehyun can go

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They played a few more games, they were all surprised on how high voices Johnny and Jaehyun can go. The prize wasn't was exciting as the previous ones, it was only an inflatable.

They all agreed to end the day on the ferris wheel or the lift that goes above and across the whole park. "So... Which on is it?" Doyoung asks for confirmation, though not super excited. Taeyong stretches while yawning, it wasn't too late, only around 8, they still need to go for dinner.

"Let's go to the lift, there's less people anyway," Johnny answers.

Doyoung was hesitant to agree, "What if... our shoes fall off?"

Lucas laughs, "Just hold them, then. Put them in a bag and just hold them before you go on."

The group made up their minds, the lift is where they'll go for the last ride before leaving. Lucas thinks it'll be funny to put Doyoung and Taeyong together, they both aren't the most fond with being high off the ground.


"Guys... The ride is 3 maximum per lift," Doyoung points at the sign as they were about to go on the ride, they're literally next in line.

"OK, Mark, you're going with Doyoung and Taeyong hyung, I'm going with Johnny hyung!" Lucas calls out.

"I've never agreed to this..." Johnny stated.

Without another word, Taeyong and Mark were put together, accidentally leaving Doyoung behind. Since the groups where already divided, Jaehyun and Yuta automatically went together, also leaving. "Bye, hyung!" Lucas says happily, getting on the next lift with Johnny.

"No! You punks! I swear, once we get back to the house, I–"

"Sir... The lift is ready..." The employee gestures Doyoung to take a seat on the lift. Doyoung sighs, he didn't want to waste the time and keep the line waiting, so he sat down and it lifts him off the ground. He couldn't dare to look down, just feeling nothing beneath his feet is already terrifying. For some reason, the others left him with the two huge dolls. He sat between them and grips onto them for dear life. "Thank god I have you two... Those idiots are just ridiculous."

Meanwhile Johnny and Lucas, they were looking left and right, scanning the whole amusement park and admiring the evening lights. "Wow... Hyung, the ferris wheel is so colourful, it's like a donut."

"Donut... What should we have for dinner?" Johnny suddenly brings up dinner as Lucas mentions food.

"It is Taeyong hyung's birthday today. We already got the cake, restaurant or homemade?"

"Homemade is better. We can cook it and then make someone distract and keep Taeyong busy while we prepare," Johnny answers. The two spends the rest of the ride watching the sunlight disappear and planning their dinner night.

Over at the front, Mark and Taeyong couldn't think of anything else other than the night beauty. "I want to come here everyday... this view breathtaking."

/ c o w a r d / ᴊᴀᴇʏᴏɴɢ, ɴᴄᴛOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora