12 • Sleepover and Complications

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This chapter contains some language that may offend some readers.

"You all should shower. Taeyong had cold sweat and it's probably not comfortable sleeping like that," Jaehyun says.

Jaehyun had set up carpets and blankets on the floor in his room. They all decided that Johnny, Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Taeyong will play a game to win sleeping in the bed, Jaehyun said he didn't want to sleep there when his guests are on the floor. The game will decide for them.

"Shower? I call it first!" Johnny calls out, already on his way to the bathroom.

Taeyong was somewhat surprised at how comfortable Johnny is at Jaehyun's house, it's like they just live with each other. He wouldn't question it since he knows how long they've known each other for. Then, Taeyong realizes something, "Um... Jaehyun? Even if we do shower and all, we don't have anything to change into."

Jaehyun scratches his head, "You can... wear mine?"

Doyoung chokes then starts coughing. Taeyong was startled and starts patting Doyoung's back. Doyoung waves his hand, telling him that he's fine.

Jaehyun's gets up and goes over to his closet, "I got... my pyjamas here. You guys choose whichever you want."

Doyoung also gets up and points to a set of pyjamas, "Can I wear this one?" Jaehyun looks over at the set of clothing.

"Yeah, I've actually never wore that before, kind of forgot I had it. You can keep it, I don't think I'll wear it anyway," Jaehyun answers.

"Cool! I'll wear this then."

Jaehyun rummages through the closet, "Here, Taeyong, you can wear this one." Jaehyun tosses the pyjamas to Taeyong. "And... underwear, I got new ones."


"Jaehyun, what are you going to get for Taeyong?" Johnny asks while fiddling with Jaehyun's figurines.

"What do you mean? He said I don't have to..."

It was Taeyong's turn with the shower. The other three males were all in Jaehyun's room and lounging around.

"No way, are you stupid?! Taeyong of course said you don't have to! But it's always expected for you to show up with a present as long as you're going to be there. Even if you aren't, you're still getting him something."

Doyoung smirks, "I have a feeling Jaehyun's never been to told about these things."

"Yeah, I've only been to Johnny's birthday celebrations. Because I always end up telling people that I'm sick, then they gradually stopped asking me."

"He doesn't like parties," Johnny added.

Doyoung gave an understanding nod, "But why did you agree to come to Taeyong's...?"

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