1 • Cafe

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My name is Lee Taeyong, a third year university student

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My name is Lee Taeyong, a third year university student.

Other than paint, there's... literally nothing else, I only like paints and drawing.

Up until I decided that one day, I'll stop taking the taxis and random classmate's car.... The drivers started being suspicious and I'm not the type to fight or anything....

So up until then, I've loved nothing other than paint and the extraordinary... stories and feelings I can show by allowing the brush dance along the surface of the canvas. Up until now, that is....

Now, my heart is divided into two, one is my passion for art, the other half... well... I've fallen. Deep. For whom? Him.

Nothing more, just him.


I stepped onto the overly cramped bus. Public transits on early mornings are always this way... Which is the sole reason why I hate it. I'm used to taking cars but I guess I'll abandon that option, for now at least.

The vehicle occasionally stopped and people would slowly decrease, which then I soon got a seat.

I checked my phone for the time and I seem to still have some to spare.... I didn't sleep too well last night, might as well stop at a cafe and pick up a cup of coffee.

The bus had a couple of students left, since the stop near my school was the last one during the mornings. There was also a high school around that area so other than me, the usual students would be high schoolers.

A stop before the cafe, a lone person stepped on and sat 2 rows in front of me. He didn't seem much older than me, gosh, he may even be younger. The way he dressed was... pretty basic. The classic white button up, black pants, dress shoes, and a beige jacket that reaches his thighs. His bangs loosely brushed against his forehead, his hairstyle seems to just rest on his head with no effort put into it, yet, it's neat.

I've got to admit, I caught myself spending the whole ride to the cafe staring at him. I'm a guy myself and I've met plenty of people classified as the male species. I really have to say, that man, whoever you are, is stunning.

"Arriving at Jungang Station. Next stop: Gwanyu Station."

I thanked the driver and got off the bus, to my surprise, handsome boy did as well.

This may seem weird. I may look weird. I went straight for the cafe, realizing I don't have much time left. Handsome boy really just happened to walk the same direction as me... to the same place.

Right! Right. This isn't the time.... I'll be late if I keep getting distracted. I went to the front and waited for an available employee to take my order.

/ c o w a r d / ᴊᴀᴇʏᴏɴɢ, ɴᴄᴛOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant