xvi. Midnight Sweets

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xvi. Midnight Sweets

Annabeth loves using the excuse that she still hadn't experienced the NYC festivals to go out late at night, dressed up as Sailor Moon, to attend Halloween parade in Greenwich Village with her Tuxedo Mask and precious angel (Estelle)

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Annabeth loves using the excuse that she still hadn't experienced the NYC festivals to go out late at night, dressed up as Sailor Moon, to attend Halloween parade in Greenwich Village with her Tuxedo Mask and precious angel (Estelle).

Their laughter was drowned out by the loud chatter of the busy street filled with magnificent, thrilling costumes and decorations and her eyes wandered in amazement, in love with everything around her. Her smile then softened when everyone erupted in cheers as the parade ended when they reached 15th Street and Percy pulled her and Estelle aside from the crowds.

"I assumed you enjoyed it, Annabeth?" chuckled Percy softly, seeing her smile.

"I love it so much!!" she exclaimed, "It was so much fun and everything about it was just spectacular! I would do this again next year with you guys."

"Oh, that would be so much fun!!" cheered Estelle, "I'm so happy that you enjoyed that!"

"Me too," he nodded then asked, "What do you want to do now? We can go home—"

"No, no, I don't want to go home," Annabeth quickly interjected and happily spun around with her arms outstretched, "I have never felt so...free in life. This is probably the first time my dad and Helen let me stay out so late—let's do something exciting here, I'm not sure when we'll be back here all together again."

"Yeah, that is true," nodded Percy, then exclaimed, "Do you want to go to Icy's Cherry Bomb? It's a local ice cream shop around here that Estelle and I love. I'm pretty they're still open right now—they have a later closing time because of festivals."

"Oh, alright! Let's go there!" exclaimed Annabeth, "I have been craving some ice cream lately!"

The bell chimed as they entered somewhat busy ice cream shop and Annabeth excitedly sat down in a booth with Percy and Estelle after getting their ice cream cups. The little girl went to use the restroom, leaving Annabeth and Percy alone.

"Is it good?" Percy asked Annabeth after she tasted her sherbet, "I have never got Rookie, always only Rainbow Halo."

"It is good," nodded Annabeth, "Can I have a taste of yours?"

Percy fed her a scoop of his cotton candy ice cream and Annabeth grinned and gave him an thumbs-up.

"Do you want to try mine? You said you never had it before," asked Annabeth, handing him a spoonful of her cookies 'n cookies and coffee ice cream after she took a bite.

"Sure, I would love to."

Annabeth's eyes widened and her face immediately flushed when Percy, instead of eating from her spoon, leaned over the table and kissed her. When he pulled away, she stared at him, dumbfounded and heart racing.

"Tasty. How sweet," he smirked and licked his lips, "You're right, Wise Girl, the rookie flavor is really good."

Annabeth then sheepishly looked away, even more flustered now that Percy had used the nickname, "I...I can't believe you just did that, Seaweed Brain."

He chuckled, "I love seeing you blush, Annabeth, you're so cute."

An idea formed in Annabeth's mind and she tried her hardest not to smirk.

"Seaweed Brain, can I have a taste of your ice cream again?" Annabeth asked sweetly after Percy took a bite.

He cheekily smiled, "Of course, go ahead."

Annabeth then leaned over the table and reached for his plastic spoon and he pouted as she ate a spoonful with a smirk.

After they finished their ice creams, they then took a bus to the nearest playground and while Estelle went on the swings, Annabeth and Percy sat on the bench.

"Thank you, Percy," Annabeth softly gazed at her boyfriend.

"For what?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For making my first Halloween in Manhattan a night to remember," smiled Annabeth.

"Of course, it's my pleasure," Percy softly smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "I'm glad you had a good time. I did too."

If Annabeth still lived in California, she would have most likely spent Halloween home alone, probably passing out candies to kids and constantly hearing trick or treat till it neared midnight. This was so much more fun.

"Percy, trick or treat?" 

Percy cocked an eyebrow then laughed, "Hmm, I think if I say treat, I'll get a kiss, but I always can get of them later...so, trick!"

Percy's laughter filled the air as Annabeth tickled him and she pulled away with a cheeky smile.

"Can I know what the treat was?" he grinned, "I'm curious."

His eyes softened when Annabeth pulled him into a hug and nuzzled her face into his shoulder; she softly smiled, feeling how fast his heart was, and wondered how if he could also feel her heart racing.

Annabeth then leaned her head on Percy's shoulder and he stroked her hair and softly kissed her on the forehead.

And as they sat there in their beautiful serenity during the cool October night, Annabeth wished they could stay like this forever.

[originally published on 10/31/20.]

[10/31/20] author's note! Hi!! Before I going into the author's note for this chapter-I'm so sorry if anyone thought the book was ending!!! That wasn't my point at all with breaking the book into a different part! Haha, so sorry if anyone thought it was ending! Anyways, this is the start of act two and it begins with the Halloween chapter (which by the way, happy Halloween!!) I hope this act doesn't flop and it works out in the end! Also, I would like to mention that there might not be a lot of updates next week as I need to plan out act two so that's why! thank you for reading and I hope you had a safe but good Halloween! Much love, Lucinda! 🍭💙😌

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