23.Turn it off|Janiel

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Jack's POV
Me and Daniel were on a date tonight. It was great and nice and a rare occasion because we're always busy with the band. But one thing was bothering me. He's been taking pictures and videos of us every time we would do something a little bit interesting.

I appreciate him wanting to share our relationship and not being ashamed of us but I wanted him to also spend time alone with me. Since it rarely happens.

"Dani? Dani? DANIEL?" I called out for him. As he was on instagram posting pictures of us.

"What?" He said in a response barely looking up from his phone.

"Can you please get off your phone? I love that you're so willing to share our relationship without being ashamed of us. But when we're alone together I just want us to spend time together without our phones. I want us to live life." I said putting emphasis on my last sentence.

"Omg Jack love I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how caught up I am with social media. Until you told me you're right we should turn off our phones when we're alone." He said to me feeling bad closing his phone and putting it away in his pocket.

"It's fine babe I understand but let's go. We need to head to the movie theater we have a movie to watch." I said taking his hand and leaving without forgetting to pay of course.

We spent the rest of the night cuddling each other and watching a movie. Just the way I wanted it. Like we both wanted it without our phones. We were just living our lives without social media.
Wc: 280 words
A/n: sorry for the short one shots lately. I've written these back in July/August and was pretty new at writing. Some of the new ones I write are still short but they're better.

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