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Jack's POV
"Hey love how ya doing babe?" Jonah the bad boy of my town said to
Me. He was leaning on the locker next to me with his black leather jacket,his white t-shirt and his black ripped skinny jeans. He still had that smirk plastered on his face even after all the times I turned him down. I'm not gonna lie I do melt when he calls me love,princess,baby boy or babe but I can't show it because he's such a fuckboy in this town and I can't let him hurt me.

"Jonah I'm not interested." I said trying so hard not to blush. He did not like my answer he pulled me right into his arms. I got huge butterflies at this action and I felt comforted by his scent but I couldn't be with him. We couldn't be a thing. I tried pulling away from him but he put a firm grip on my waist preventing me from moving.

"Jack love I know you love me sweetheart it's obvious. I see you trying so hard not to blush when you're in my presence and I see you getting all nervous when I'm right beside you. I know you don't want me because of my reputation but I'm here to tell you the people here don't know shit about me and they think I'm threatening because I ride a motorcycle. Now can you stop being so difficult and just go on a fucking date with me?" Jonah said bringing his face an inch away from mine. As I gulped and blushed which made him smirk.

"Fine I'll go on a date with you and I'll give you a chance but if you break my heart. You're never gonna fucking see me again." I said trying to sound confident and threatening. When I was really melting inside at the fact that my crush a bad boy was interested in me and we had a date.

"Don't sound so threatening baby I know you're melting inside but no I won't hurt you. I do like you a lot. You're cute especially when you play hard to get now can I fucking kiss you already?" He asked me as I just nodded our lips connected and I felt fireworks erupting in my stomach as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist.

Jonah was the bad boy of my town but I still gave him a chance. Which was the best decision of my life because we had a strong healthy relationship for the rest of our lives.

Not gonna lie I really love this one shot it made me swoon. But anyways now for the question.

What's your favorite why don't we ship? ( it can be bxb or bxg)

Mine is zonah for bxb but for bxg it would be Jatum or zay

WDW BXB ONE SHOTS (BOOK 1) ( REQUESTS CLOSED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ