9. Made for each other|Zonah

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Zach's POV
I was laying in my bed my head stuffed in my pillow and crying like I have ever since Jonah broke up with me last week before tour.

I was so broken when he left. I stopped eating,stopped talking,stopped sleeping and most importantly stopped smiling.It's like my purpose to life was taken away from me. I felt so empty without Jonah but he clearly didn't like me. Because he didn't fight for us he didn't want me.

3rd person's POV
What Zach didn't know was that Jonah was so broken without Zach. He couldn't concentrate on his singing,he couldn't concentrate on his interviews or he couldn't look happy when he was meeting fans at meet and greets.

He needed Zach on tour with him to keep him strong,to keep him happy and Jonah needed to cuddle Zach's small figure and to kiss his rosy cheeks.

After a week on tour, him and his manager decided that he needed to go get him or at least attempt to for the sake of the tour and Jonah's well being.

So Jonah left for the airport. In the plane he kept thinking about Zach and hoping that he would forgive him for breaking up with him.

3 hours later, Jonah got off the plane heading to Zach's house.
Jonah knocked on Zach's door as he waited he bounced his legs a thing he does when he's nervous.

Zach slowly opened the door he had bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep and from the non stop crying. He had old sweatpants,Jonah's hoodie and his hair was messed up. This view broke Jonah's heart in half. He left him so broken.

Jonah's POV
When I saw Zach my heart broke. I couldn't believe I did that to him. This is all my fault I should have never broken up with him.

"OMG! Zach I'm so sorry. I should have never broken up with you. I feel so broken without you tour's been so hard. I can't think straight without you there to keep me sane. I also need to hold you in my arms all the time. I need you Zach I'm so sorry. " I said while tears fell from my eyes.
"Oh Jonah" he said letting himself fall in my arms. In which I gladly caught him.

" I need you too. I've been a mess without you. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't talk, I can't do anything but cry. So please take me back Jonah I need you. Why did you leave me in the first place? "He said to me sobbing uncontrollably in my arms while I rubbed his back and held him tighter.

"Of course I'll take you back! I guess I left because I didn't want you to wait around for me. While I was on tour. I wanted you to live your life but now I realize that was stupid and I need you and you need me." I answered his questions while he stopped sobbing and wrapped his arms around my neck while mine went around his waist.

"I missed you so much Jonah." He said to me while his head was on my chest.

"I missed you too love. You can't even imagine how much sweetie but I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come on tour with me?" I asked kissing his head softly.

"Of course I'll go on tour with you." He answered this time crying tears of joy. As I took his hands.
"Great! Now let's go get your luggage ready. We need to leave tomorrow" I said picking him up bridal style as I climbed the stairs to get to his room. I helped him pick clothes out for tour. Even though we both knew that he would end up wearing my hoodies and my sweatpants pretty much every day.

The next day we headed back to the airport. I was carrying Zach in my arms because he was so tired but I didn't mind because we were back together and I couldn't ask for anything more my heart was made for him. We were made for each other.

Wc: 700 words
A/n: Hey y'all I hope you enjoyed this one shot. Sorry for all the POV changes. I felt like they were necessary. Zonah is definitely my otp. See y'all next time zorbyn one shot next.

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