Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter 25

Season 3, Episode 24-25

It's finally here. After a whole year of working our asses off, it's finally time to take the intern exam. Just like anyone else, I've been taking tests my whole life and honestly, I've never been nervous before. I was always a smart kid, weird and closed off, but smart. My teachers saw it in me and pushed me.

I went to medical school because I finally realized how to make life worth living. The test today will either make it all worth it, or everything will fall apart. This is the first time I've been scared before taking a test. It's also the most prepared I've ever been before a test.

We've all been working each other to the bone, day and night quizzing each other. Last week our study group lost George to Callie but the five of us are still going strong. I will admit though, I am starting to feel the strain as we sit in the kitchen barely awake.

"How do you treat pancreatic divisum, Izzie?" Cristina quizzes her and when I look over, her eyes aren't even open as she sits at the table. I sigh, taking a sip of my coffee before answering.

"Dorsal duct sphincterotomy," I mumble, voice hoarse from talking all night. I can taste my breath and it smells nasty.

"Not your turn." Cristina scolds. "But correct."

"I can't keep my eyes open." Izzie moans from beside me before sliding her mug over to me. "Refill?"

"I can't believe O'Malley's missing this. How's he gonna be ready?" Alex mutters as he shuffles through our study cards. Cristina managed to get them from Callie a couple of nights ago which is why she's been forcing us awake. These cards are gold.

"You're kidding, right? We have Callie's cards, but George has-" Cristina starts to complain before Izzie cuts her off.

"George has Callie." She says looking off into the distance as I bring back her mug, now filled with coffee. My legs still seem to be working so I'm on coffee duty apparently.

"What's the most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients?" Alex asks no one in particular but Cristina seems to be wide awake which I don't understand.

"Salmonella," Cristina states confidently before Meredith walks into the room.

"Diarrhea in hospitalized patients." I clarify for her and she rolls her eyes in annoyance, realizing her mistake.

"The most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients in C. DIFF, which can lead to toxic megacolon, perforation, sepsis and death," Meredith answers while walking around the kitchen without looking at us. "That's what killed Susan."

Last week, I heard from Cristina that Susan passed away after a routine procedure complication. I'd noticed a few weeks before, that Meredith and she had been getting closer. She had kind of become her substitute mother in a way. She hasn't said anything much about it but today is the funeral.

"Is she okay?" Izzie asks once Meredith leaves and is out of earshot.

"She's fine." Cristina brushes it off quickly but I'm not convinced.

"She hasn't said anything about it. Obviously, she's upset but doesn't want anyone to know." I say before Alex shakes his head in disbelief.

"Dude, she's messed up." He says but Izzie turns to him.

"Of course she's messed up. Susan was basically her surrogate mother." She says sadly as Cristina stands up to grab another cup of coffee.

"Yeah, her fake mom was better than her real mom." Cristina agrees.

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