Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18

Season 2, Episode 24-26

I've never fallen in love. I've never really understood the concept or allowed myself to be vulnerable enough. I've never let the thought of dedicating myself to someone get in the way of my ambition. Some could call me scared, others would call me smart. I think in some ways it's a benefit not to fall in love.

Speaking of love, in an attempt to get over Derek, Meredith has started dating Doc's vet. I honestly think that's a terrible idea considering that Doc lives with Derek so technically he's Derek's vet. The whole thing is pretty much a mess.

"What did you say to him?" Izzie asks Meredith as the three of us get ready in the bathroom. I'm brushing my teeth while Izzie flosses. Finn, the vet, asked Meredith about the last guy she slept with which is obviously a touchy subject because of George. Luckily, George pushed his feelings aside enough to move back in. I missed my roommate.

"Nothing. I fled the scene." She says while plucking her eyebrows.

"You didn't tell him about George or Derek?" I ask with a muffled voice considering my mouth is full of toothpaste.


"You like him," Izzie says with a smile.

"I could like him," Meredith says, obviously still conflicted with her feelings.

"Is the sex any good?" Izzie asks, sitting down on the edge of the bathtub. I let out a little laugh after spitting out my toothpaste.

"I don't know."

"Four dates and two sleepovers at his place, and no sex?" Izzie asks in disbelief.

"Not even a kiss good night," Meredith mumbles in disappointment.

"Oh, I am proud. I'm like a proud mama." She laughs.

"Shut up." Meredith smiles as we all continue to laugh. Before we can keep talking, the bathroom door opens and I look in the mirror to see behind me. I see Callie, who is the new girl George has been dating. She seems nice but she is currently standing in my bathroom in nothing but her underwear.

I look down into the sink in embarrassment for her as the room goes silent. Not even a shirt on as she walks over to the toilet. Izzie gives me a look and I frown slightly to tell her to shut up. After an excruciatingly long minute, she flushes the toilet and leaves the room.

"Oh, my god. Did that just happen?" Meredith asks in disbelief, looking over at me and my eyes widen.

"I'm having a seizure. I'm clearly mid-seizure. I'm seizing." Izzie rambles in shock.

"Oh, my god." I try not to laugh.

"She didn't even wash her hands," Izzie mutters looking over at the sink.


I'm standing outside the hospital waiting for an ambulance with Cristina, Meredith, and Alex when we hear George and Izzie walking out of the sliding doors. Izzie has been going on and on all morning about the incident with Callie this morning. I'm pretty much over it but I'm fairly sure Izzie won't let it go any time soon.

"She peed! Naked peeing! Ask Audrey! Or Meredith!" Izzie says to him as they walk up to all of us. His mood shifts at her name and Izzie rolls her eyes. "Oh, that's right, I forgot. You're not talking to her. If you were, she would tell you that Callie crosses the line. So crosses the line."

"Oh, so we're still pretending that you're not seeing a patient, right?" Alex comments from the side which earns a wicked look from Izzie. I turn to her sharply.

How To Save A Life (Grey's Anatomy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora