Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12

Season 2, Episode 9

I woke up that morning with a weird feeling like something was off. I open my eyes and look around my darkroom before the realization hits. It's Thanksgiving, my least favorite holiday. A day to be thankful and be with your loving family. Well, I have nothing to be thankful for so having a big fancy dinner doesn't appeal to me. Izzie said something yesterday about us all making dinner together in the kitchen like a family but I doubt any of us are going to do that.

I throw on a big crewneck sweater and shorts before making my way downstairs for breakfast. I don't have rounds this morning so I'm just going to hang out at the house before going into work. As I walk down the stairs I can hear a commotion and as I come into view I see Izzie with a cookbook in hand talking to Meredith who has a coat on. Probably trying to escape to the hospital.

"You're going to the hospital?" Izzie asks, sounding desperate.

"Yes, but-" Meredith tries to defend herself but Izzie keeps talking.

"Meredith, everyone is supposed to be in the kitchen by 9:00 am to help me make dinner. It's Thanksgiving." I decide to try and escape back up the stairs but Meredith sees me.

"Then why is Audrey allowed to sleep in?" She questions, looking at me and my eyes widen in betrayal as she gives me a wink. Izzie turns around to see me trying to get upstairs.

"Audrey! What are you doing?" She asks disappointed and I make my way downstairs guilty.

"I was going to get breakfast," I mutter before Meredith starts walking for the door again.

"Look, Izzie, I'm just really not in the mood." She says as Izzie looks back at her.

"But it's like a family-" Izzie starts to complain when I see some men outside our door. They ring the bell, interrupting Izzie. Meredith walks over and opens the door with a questionable look on her face as the three men wait patiently. The oldest one takes off his hat and speaks.

"Is this where Georgie lives?" He asks with a big smile on his face.

"Georgie?" Meredith asks, confused like the rest of us.

"O'Malley. Where is he, upstairs?"

"Oh, George. Yeah, upstairs." Meredith says but the moment she does, they push past her and into the house before yelling in unison.

"O'Malley! O'Malley! O'Malley!" They all make their way to the stairs, passing by me, and I back out of their way quickly.

"Should I call the police?" Izzie asks me as they run upstairs very loudly and I laugh before Meredith takes it as a chance to run out the door. "Hey! Meredith! I'm serious! You need to be back here for dinner at 6:00! I mean it!" She yells before turning to me. "I'm not letting you out of my sight."

I groan at her before turning and making my way to the kitchen where I pour myself a bowl of cereal and start eating at the table. Izzie walks around the counter and continues to read her cookbook.

"Don't eat too much, you don't want to be full for dinner." She scolds me as I talk a large bite. I scrunch my nose at her to show my annoyance before swallowing.

"Izzie it's 8:30, I'm sure I'll be hungry again by tonight," I say taking another bite and she nods while flipping a page. She pushes her hair out of her face and I can tell she's stressed.

"Do you know what you're doing?" I smirk and watch as she pulls out different-sized pans while still reading recipes.

"Yeah, sure." She says but it doesn't convince me. Especially when she looks up to me frantically. "Why? Do you know how to cook?"

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