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Zeus's thunderous voice boomed through the palace on Mount Olympus, hovering high above the Empire State building. "Are we all in agreement that these demigods should not be told?"

There were a few murmurs of assent, but Athena spoke up. "Father, with all due respect, they deserve to know, and not knowing anything about the world of the Seven Kingdoms could be perilous."

"All quests are perilous!"

"Especially perilous."

"No, Athena, we don't tell them."

Artemis, who had otherwise been quiet, now said, "Father, must my lieutenant go? She is quite the Hunter."

"Yes, Artemis, Thalia must be among them. A child of mine must go, and Jason is the son of my Roman side. Thalia is the only child of mine we have."

All the gods were quiet, thinking that over. Slowly, all of them agreed, besides Athena, who stayed silent; sullenly she got up and strode out of the throne hall, heading for her chambers.

"We must defeat the demon! NO ONE MAY CHALLENGE THE GODS!" Zeus roared. "DEATH TO THE ENEMY!"

All the gods yelled battle cries. Even Athena, in her room, joined the chorus. Outside, thunder crashed. A lightning bolt sliced through the sky, responding to Zeus's anger. The skies opened up, and rain poured down.

Far away, in the Lost Realm, it was pouring too. A little girl in gray picked her way across the floating green puffy mass that had been her home for the past millennium. She looked up, up with her purple eyes, into the rain slicing across her turquoise sky, and smiled.

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