"She's the blonde, right?"

I nod. "She dyed her hair a week before this picture was taken. She hated it when people mistook her for me or the other way around. She originally wanted to dye it pink, but mom convinced her to try blonde first."

"You look so young. How old were you when this was taken?" He asks, and brings the picture closer to his eyes, examining it very thoroughly.


"It's cute, you both look so happy. I look forward to meeting her one day. Will she be coming to the show in New York?"

"No. She's won't be there." I hesitate for a second, asking myself if I should actually tell him the whole story.

"Look, I'm showing you this because she's the reason why I am the way I am. You know...kind-of uptight when it comes to work-related stuff."

"Kind-of?" He raises a brow and I roll my eyes in return.

"Shut up," I say while playfully smacking his arm. He nods his head at me, urging me to finish my story.

"The night this picture was taken, is the night my whole life changed. Alli and I were going to a concert of our favorite band. We stood front row and had the time of our lives. Our mom took the picture seconds before we left for the concert."

I still remember every detail of that night. I remember how hot it was that evening. I remember the air outside of the arena smelling like a mix of sweat and burgers. I remember Alli freaking out when the bass player winked at her and how we both started crying out of pure excitement.

We were exactly like the many girls that stand front row in Hunter's concerts. We didn't have a care in the world and couldn't be happier to finally see our idols. At that point in our lives, those five guys on stage were the most important people on the planet for us.

"After the concert, we were heading towards the spot where we had agreed to meet our parents to take us home. Alli tripped over a small pothole in the pavement, and hit her head against a mailbox."

As I said, I still remember every detail of that night. I remember holding her lifeless body sprawled on the sidewalk. I remember feeling helpless the entire time and screaming for help. I remember begging her to please stay with me, with tears streaming down my cheeks. I remember the loud sirens of the ambulances. I remember the paramedics telling me there was no hope left for her. I remember the devastating look on my parents' faces when they arrived at the scene. I remember how my brother Adam didn't speak for weeks after my parents told him what had happened.

I remember nothing ever being the same again after that night.

"It was an accident, but they needed to start a whole investigation to see how it could have happened. The detective on the case, detective Bloom, told us that a guy was supposed to fix that very same hole earlier that day. He never did. Do you want to know why?"

Hunter doesn't answer, so I continue. "Because he ran into one of his buddies and decided it would be fun to go have a drink with him instead of doing his job. If he would have done what was expected of him, my sister would still be alive." A sudden wave of anger washes over me. It still makes me so mad, even after all these years.

"It's been ten years, and I still miss her so much. I'm so scared I'm going to forget the little things, like her voice. There are times I'm not sure anymore if it's her actual voice I hear in my head when I replay memories of her or if it's how I've imagined the the sound of her voice through the years."

I can feel the tears swell in my eyes, and I turn away. I don't want him to see me like this. Hunter apparently doesn't agree with that because he grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug.

"She would have liked you," I say, my voice muffled against his chest.
She would have adored him even, I just know it. Alli didn't seem to own a clock either, she was always late for everything. I could already imagine them bonding over it.

He puts his hand under my chin, lifting it. "You won't forget."

When he places a soft kiss on my lips, I know I did the right thing telling him the whole story. It feels like a weight is being lifted off my shoulders.

"Well, this was a fun, lighthearted date." I joke in an attempt to change the subject.

"I don't care. I want to know everything there is to know about you. The good, the happy, the sad, and the bad things. I want all of you, Millie, and I need to know if you want all of me. Because I'm falling for you. Hard. And if you don't feel the same way, I need to know now because I don't..."

I kiss him before he gets to finish his sentence, answering his question without words.

We're going to do this.

For Alli, because she never got the chance to.

But mostly, for us.

I have no idea where it is going to take us, but I guess we'll find out soon.

Oh, and in case you were wondering...the Chicago Bulls finally won a game again that night.

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