A gold ring winks at him. Actually, this ring looks just like his and V's wedding rings. He looks up at V, confused. "Another wedding ring?"

V doesn't say anything and grabs his right hand. "I want you to wear my rings on both hands." Both hands? But he already gave Seokjin a ring for his right hand. The simple silver ring that holds the memory of V declaring his love for Seokjin. V's eyes fall onto the silver ring and his brows furrows. "When did you get this?"

"You gave it to me, silly," Seokjin says, pouting. "Did you forget? Ouch." V didn't forget. He's just playing with Seokjin. That night was so special. Seokjin remembers every detail. Surely, V will too.

"I didn't forget," V looks up at him, bearing a small smile. "However, I want you to wear this ring instead. I had our initials engraved on this one," he shows Seokjin the engravings on the new rings. K.V. & K.J.

Seokjin's conflicted as he looks between the new ring and the simple silver ring. He's flattered that V got him another ring that has their initials on it, but he likes the silver ring. It holds a special place in his heart. "Why are you making me choose like this? I like both rings," he ends up saying.

V presses his lips together and Seokjin can't read his eyes. "Then just keep the silver ring on. We'll just put this one away," V says with a soft smile. Before he can close the box, Seokjin's hand reaches out to stop him.

"I want to put it on," Seokjin finds himself saying. Although V was smiling earlier, it didn't feel right. Seokjin smiles, "You got it engraved. It would be a shame to just put it away. I can switch between the two rings."

He tries to take the silver ring off but it doesn't budge. Since V put it on him, he never took it off. In a way, this ring means more to him than their wedding ring. Seokjin tries to pull the ring off again but it sits like a stubborn log.

Before Seokjin can register it, V has grabbed his hand. He attempts to take the ring off and Seokjin has to bite his lip to not make any sound from the pain. V sighs but continues trying. Seokjin bites his lip harder.

Since when was taking a ring off this painful? The ring hasn't gotten any looser. Honestly, it feels like it's gotten tighter. Latching onto Seokjin's finger as if desperately trying to keep something together.

Seokjin can't help it as he lets out a sound of pain. V immediately stops tugging on the ring, eyes wide and worried. "Am I hurting you?"

"It's fine. It doesn't hurt that much," Seokjin lies. V looks back down at the finger. Then he brings Seokjin's hand up to his mouth. Blood rushes to Seokjin's face as V puts his teeth around the ring, tugging it.

The pain is throbbing even more intensely now but Seokjin can't even give a damn. His eyes and mind are solely focused on V. The sight is weird. Seokjin has never seen V act this way. He's always been so cute and romantic. Never like this.

Before he knows it, when V lets go of the ring to take a break, he's pressing his lips to V's. V's shocked, he can tell. However, he kisses Seokjin back smoothly. They continue to kiss, the kiss getting more steamy. Yet, Seokjin doesn't feel at ease.

The kiss feels odd. It doesn't make his heart melt. Doesn't make his eyes flutter close in bliss. Seokjin continues kissing V back. Maybe if they continue kissing, the feeling he usually has with V will come.

Amid V and Seokjin's kiss, the simple, silver ring slides off sadly.


Seokjin smiles as cameras flash at them. V's arm is securely placed around his waist, smiling at the cameras too. Seokjin had come with V to this event where V spoke. Everyone was shocked to see Seokjin for V usually comes alone for events like this.

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