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Start from the beginning

Dario cursed under his breath, and began to look for Cybil with the intention of turning her bottom to the shade of a tomato when he caught hands on her.

Cybil crouched down behind a black Mercedes and tried to be as quiet as possible as to not give away her location. She heard his echoing foot steps close to where she was at, so she crawled on all fours to the other car; it was considerably hard for her to maneuver herself properly with her wearing a dress that was so tight. She could only just imagine how funny she looked; like a woman who's trying to run in a mermaid dress..

Yup, that's exactly how she looked.

Stopping right behind a large pick up, Cybil stifled a laugh when she heard Dario curse in his native tongue as he got more frustrated with their silly little game.

" Just wait until I get my hands on you, fottuta donna esasperante," Dario bellowed. His touch etched throughout the the garage as he expressed his annoyance. Cybil jumped as she almost released a squeal. ( translation: You fucking infuriating woman).

Cybil peered up from behind the van's bumper just in time to see Dario disappear behind a truck. She waited in anticipation for him to pass the vehicle where she hid. She was so sure that he'd passed there any moment, but when she felt the gentle tap on her shoulder, she flew out of her skin much like one of those loony took characters as she stumbled forward and began to scream her head off. She wasted no time, before she got up with hands flaring above her head as if fanning away imaginary bees as she bolted through the doors to enter the mansion and shot pass the massive kitchen, attracting many confused glares from the maids, and sprinted down the long hallway. She never stopped screaming and not once looking behind her.

She finally halted when she stumbled upon a door at a T section. She wasted no time before sprinting in and closing the door behind her.

Bracing her head against the door, Cybil released sigh and took a much needed breath.
She ran a hand through her tangled curls and began chuckling. Her situation was so funny that she had to laugh. What the hell was she thinking when she decided to start playing a game of cat and mouse with a man so stoic. Was she thinking that she could make him crack a genuine smile? Hah.. This made her laugh even more. She turned around and leaned on the door to support her weight as her body quivered from laughing so hard.

She was for sure a dead woman when the angry man finally caught her.

After calming down a bit, Cybil finally looked up and caught about 20 pairs of eyes staring at her with amused glares.

Cybil yelped in fright, turned away and knocked her forehead very forcefully on the door causing her to land painfully on her bottom.

"Owe," She whined as she stared angrily at the door, her new found foe.

Rubbing her forehead and her now aching bum, Cybil was snapped from her concentration when one of the men chuckled.

" Don't laugh at me! I can't believe you all sat there this entire time and watched me laugh and talk to myself like a mentally challenged person. I hit my forehead and my butt hurts and there's an angry mafia boss out there looking to behead me, so don't laugh," Cybil ranted childishly to the men who, looked intimidatingly dangerous, but she couldn't care less. Because as far as she's concerned, Dario was hunting her down to kill her

" On a different topic, I get that you guys are in the mafia and everything , but why the hell do all have to look so fucking scary. I mean look at me... Do I look like I can open up a pickle jar?...
.. No right, and a man a little bit more brawny than you," She said pointing to the more muscular man of the lot. " Is hunting me down."

God only knows where this rush of confidence and boldness came from, for her to be talking to these men who looked no better than than the man who's currently chasing her. She did feel a bit tipsy though, because she shared a bottle of whisky on the way over with Dimitri. She could only guess that the alcohol was a silent creeper because she felt perfectly fine, but her actions spoke otherwise.

Besides, the sober Cybil would never run from Dario or talk to these men.

Cybil met with the fright of her life when she was suddenly slung over someone's shoulder and currently starting at his butt. The action was so quick that she didn't have time to let out a squeal.

This was it, he finally found her. She didn't even get to tell Mariah her mind about how an awful friend she's been, and she didn't get to taste the amazing strawberry chocolate ice-cream she saw on TV last year.

" Put me down you fucking hunk!" Cybil yelled as her tiny fists thumped his back.
This has to be by far the most times she's ever been frightened. It's surprising how she's not suffering from heart failure by now.

She continued to pound on Dario's back in frustration, unaware of the many eyes staring at her in utter amusement.

Cybil yelped and ceased all her actions when a loud smack fell upon her bottom.
Small tingles, like needle sticks left from her bottom and travelled up to her core and left her yearning more.

" Behave," Dario muttered in the voice that made Cybil's panty wet.

Her head swayed as Dario began walking through the hallways after they exited the conference room.

" Dario, I feel like I'm gonna puke", Cybil whined and tapped his bottom. It was firm and soft, much like her own.

He made no sound as he stopped and took her from his shoulder and instead held her bridal style.

Cybil snuggled into his shoulder and breathed his manly perfume. She was on the verge of dozing off when she heard him.

" Don't sleep just yet baby, I'm not finished with you just yet".

"Fuck me."

And I'm here again with another chapter. The next chapter is w --- sorry.. No spoilers.

Continue to keep safe.

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