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A/N: Mentions rape in this chapter, so... Just be aware incase you don't wanna read it. It's nothing bad though... I promise.


The sleep that she was expecting has yet to arrived as she rubbed at the burning in her eyes. She figure that it wasn't going to make an appearance soon as she frustratedly removed the offending sheet from her body.

Cybil groggily made her way over to the adjoining bathroom to splash some water on her face to rid whatever remnants of sleep that was present.

Her eyes met her horrid features in the mirror as whatever turmoil in her mind made its presence known on her physical body. Her mind was slowly succumbing into a deep depression as all the events from the past couple of days was finally taking a toll on her.

How did her life leave from a fixable füčk up to a disoriented fucked up? She didn't know. Maybe god had finally had enough of her impotent, lowlife being and decided to stop trying to make her better. So he left her in the wilderness for the wolves to slaughter and for the pests to feed on her deteriorating flesh.

But what wrong had she done to deserve this?

First it was finding out that that her supposedly parents were her adopted parents and that her actual parents are dead having been involved mafia related activities.

That, she could somehow cope with, because it wasn't as if she'd known her biological parents anyway.

But when her guardians went ahead and told her that they sold her off to this notorious don of the Italian mafia who she's started to develop Stockholm syndrome for..... At least that's what she thinks because it explains her abysmal attraction to this infamous criminal who calls himself Dario.

She's had more sexual activities with the man ,who she's only known for a miniscule amount of time, than her ex-boyfriend who she's known for practically her whole life.

That,she thought was something unhealthy and she knew that in the long run she was going to get hurt, but everytime that sexy piece of hunk seeked her presence, she loses all sense of rationality and allow the man to do whatever he wanted with her; both mind and body. It wasn't by choice though, it just came naturally; as if she was possessed by him. And in some sick, twisted way she loved it.

Because, for once in her life she wanted to be controlled. She wanted to stop being the bigger person and be free from the stress of having to be tough and guarded, like Dario himself and though she might be in an unfortunate situation, she loved the idea of having Dario be the dominant and she, the submissive.

Don't get her wrong, Cybil tends to be very strong willed and has her own opinion but she loved the way how Dario made her feel good. She loved the way how he controlled her and told her not to cum when she wanted to so badly. And he was so sexy, she could have had an orgasm just watching him take her to the brink of her europhia.

Unlike her ex.

Kyle was never the one to make a move on her and when he did it always felt off, like he wasn't doing something right because she was never turned on or horny for him. That seemed to have contributed to the fact that she was still a virgin.

But Dario, she knew, would become her undoing,whether she was ready to admit it to her self or not.

As she was about to finally doze off due to the unforeseen arrival of her friend; that is sleep, the telltale jiggle of the doorknob knocked her out of her hazy state and a million thoughts began to run through her head. Her heart skipped a beat when the light from the dimly lit hallway seeped through her room as two hooded figures entered and closed the door behind them.

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