Lucifer : that's a good thing

" he planted kisses on her neck and shoulder "

Lucifer : we're going on a vacation

Chloe : we are?

Lucifer : you want to go with everyone or just us?

Chloe : wait when did you even plan this?

Lucifer : 10 seconds ago

Chloe : babe we can't go on a vacation now , Dan and I have work , Trixie has school

Lucifer : oh im not taking your douchey ex

" she hit his arm "

Chloe : why are you so mean to him?

Lucifer : because he is a douche obviously

Chloe : he is a really nice man Lucifer

Lucifer : yes , he is a really nice man , is that why you two got divorced? I mean if this is the reason I should definitely be a douche , I can't risk you asking me for a divorce when we get married

" she looked at him , surprised "

Chloe : wait.. did y- did you just say when we get married?

Lucifer : I don't think so

Chloe : yes you did

Lucifer : no I- uh , I don't think I said that Chloe

" she smiled and nodded , suddenly Dan walked in "

Dan : hey

Lucifer : saved by the douche

" she looked at Dan "

Chloe : great timing Dan , great timing

Dan : I thought he's not coming with us

Lucifer : oh I am , deal with it douche

Chloe : babe stop

" she looked at Lucifer , Maze walked in the house "

Maze : hello people

Lucifer : Mazie?

Maze : we have a problem Luci

Lucifer : what's wrong?

Maze : she's gone

Lucifer : what?

Chloe : his mom died?

Maze : no I wish

" Dan looked at Maze "

Dan : wha-

Maze : she ran away , she was looking for something Lucifer , she tried to open your safe

Lucifer : she can't

Maze : yeah she couldn't

Chloe : what do you think she wanted ?

Lucifer : probably the blade

Chloe : blade? what blade?

Maze : no way , Lucifer why do you have it? and since when do you have it?

Lucifer : it's a long story Maze , good think she didn't take it , the question is , how did she find out that I have it?

Maze : no Lucifer , the question is why do you have it? does Amenadiel know?

Lucifer : no he doesn't

" Chloe shook her head "

Maze : you do realize that your brothers are gonna come to get it right? and they wouldn't leave without a war

Lucifer : I would love a war , it's been a really long time

Chloe : baby , you're not seriously gonna fight your brothers right?

Lucifer : oh I will , and I really hope that my sloppy shouldered twin brother shows up , I will gladly scar his face even more

Dan : you're weird

Chloe : Lucifer , you cant fight them because of a stupid blade

Maze : oh honey , this blade is not stupid , trust me if it falls in the wrong hands , you will no longer have this man by your side , we don't want his insecure brothers to wipe him out of existence , do we?

Chloe : they wouldn't , right?

Lucifer : trust me , they would

Chloe : why do you hate each other so much

Maze : because Lucifer is perfection , they are just insecure , Lucifer's always been the favorite son , he still is obviously

Lucifer : I doubt that , dear old dad wouldn't let his sons fight each other to death , right?

Maze : you know how your dad is Lucifer

Dan : you have a really weird family

Lucifer : thank you

Chloe : what about your family Maze? Lucifer always talks about his crazy family and their fights , but you never talk about yours

" Maze's face expressions changed , she looked down "

Maze : i'll go wait outside

" she cleared her throat and left "

Chloe : what's wrong with her?

Lucifer : im her family love , im all that she got

" he followed Maze "

Dan : I think she's an only child and her parents are dead

Chloe : shit I messed up

Dan : no you didn't , you were just asking , you didn't know

" Chloe sighed "

Dan : is Maze Lucifer's ex?

Chloe : why?

Dan : im trying to figure out their relationship , they sleep together and then they fight , they kiss each other all the time and they are always there for each other when they're upset , bestfriends? friends with benefits? enemies? so hard to tell

" Chloe sighed "

Chloe : they're friends Dan , nothing more

" Dan and Chloe looked at Lucifer and Maze through the window , they were hugging , Lucifer kissed Maze's cheeks "

Dan : well it doesn't look like that

Chloe : come on we have work to do

" she grabbed her car keys and went outside and Dan followed her , Maze and Lucifer looked at Chloe "

Chloe : come on we're leaving

Lucifer : should we take my car?

" she ignored him and walked towards her car , Lucifer looked at Dan "

Lucifer : what's wrong with her?

Dan : i have no idea

" Dan followed Chloe , Lucifer and Maze got in the corvette and followed Dan and Chloe "

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