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4:45 PM
" Dan took Ella , Trixie and Maze and went to the birthday venue , Lucifer and Chloe were still at the house , Chloe was fixing her dress and hair "
Chloe : I feel like I should change , I look horrible
Lucifer : no , you look wonderful sweetheart
" Chloe smiled "
Chloe : I just think-
Lucifer : I said you look wonderful , no need to change
" He walked towards her and grabbed her waist , he pulled her closer , she threw her arms around his neck , he kissed her neck , she placed her hand on the back of his neck , she smiled and whispered "
Chloe : you know , if you keep kissing my neck , we might miss the party
" he looked into her eyes "
Chloe : Lucifer don't look at me like that
Lucifer : as you wish
" she sighed , she took her clutch and phone , Lucifer grabbed her hand and left the house , he drove to the birthday venue , he parked his car , They walked inside the venue holding each other's hands , everything was pink , There was a table full of Candies and name tags on them next to the door , a gorgeous ginger girl gave Chloe the candy with her name tag on it , Chloe put it in her clutch , the girl walked closer towards Lucifer and pinned the name tag on his jacket and smiled at him "
Lucifer : thank you darling
" Chloe rolled her eyes and walked inside , Lucifer followed her , They spotted Ella , Dan , Linda and Maze talking to each other "
Chloe : is that Dr Linda Martin?
Lucifer : yes
Chloe : you invited her?
Lucifer : i know that Linda and I got closer than you think in these past few days but I most certainly did not invite her
Chloe : hold on ... what did you just say?
Lucifer : what?
Chloe : you said that you and Linda got closer? How exactly? And how close are you to her?
" Lucifer hesitated , suddenly Trixie ran towards Chloe and grabbed her hand "
Trixie : mom , finally
" Chloe and Lucifer looked at her "
Trixie : come and meet my friends
" Chloe and Trixie left , Lucifer sighed in relief and walked towards his friends "
Lucifer : guys , I think I screwed up
Ella : what did you do?
Lucifer : I told the detective about Linda and I
Linda : you WHAT?
Maze : hold on , you seriously did it?
" he looked at maze and hesitated "
Maze : oh no
" she hit him hard on the back of his head "
Maze : you fucking idiot
Lucifer : Maze!
Maze : you screwed , you fix it
Lucifer : but-
" she rolled her eyes and walked towards Chloe and Trixie , Lucifer sighed"
Ella : why would you do that Luce? I swear if you hurt Chloe I will kill you
" she left "
Lucifer : why is everyone so upset with me? I didn't mean to tell her that
Dan : maybe you don't see it now but you bring bad luck and problems everywhere you go
" he left "
Lucifer : wha-
Linda : look , the fact that you didn't tell me about you and Chloe pisses me off , but since I'm your therapist too , I'll help you
Lucifer : thank you Doctor
Linda : anything for my favorite complicated client
" he smiled , Chloe was standing with Maze and Ella , they were looking at Linda and Lucifer , Linda smiled and touched Lucifer's shoulder "
Chloe : I can't believe that he's in a relationship with Linda and didn't tell me
Maze : woah woah wait , he's not in a relationship with her Chloe
Chloe : but he said that they're close
Maze : he's talking about sex! You're the only girl that he's CLOSE to
Chloe : oh , so he's sleeping with Linda , cool
Maze : okay listen , whatever was going on between Linda and Lucifer , I'm pretty sure it ended , because I've been visiting Linda these days and she did tell me that Lucifer visited her twice
Ella : so he had sex with her twice?
Maze : no , just when we met her , don't you remember Chloe? He promised her that he'll have sex with her if she tells you the name of that scumbag
Chloe : I thought he was kidding
Maze : oh baby he's a devil of his word
Ella : what about the second visit?
Maze : he invited her to his birthday party but she didn't show up
Chloe : well did he visit her again?
Maze : ugh jealous Chloe is the worst
" Maze rolled her eyes , Chloe glared at her "
Maze : no he didn't , when Trix told Lucifer that you're in love with him he texted me , I talked to him , he came to your house and told you , I hope you guys had sex after that
Chloe : no we didn't
Ella : oh no , i had Deckerstar dreams
Chloe : Deckerstar?
Ella : you and Luce
Maze : they already had sex
" Dan heard them and walked towards them "
Ella : WHAT?
Dan : who?
Chloe : no one..
Maze : Chloe and Lucifer
Dan : woah..
Ella : how the hell did you know?
Chloe : maze don't ...
" maze giggled "
Maze : I walked in on them naked and-
Chloe : MAZE!
" Ella and Maze laughed , Dan rolled his eyes and left "
Maze : I'm sorry , I'll just go and talk to Lucifer
" Chloe sighed "
Maze : By the way she's loud
" Maze left "
Chloe : I hate this
" Ella smiled and looked at Chloe "
Chloe : Ella don't start now
Ella : how was it?
" Chloe sighed "
Chloe : I actually don't remember much
Ella : really?
Chloe : yeah , I just remember that we talked and made out , he took me to his bedroom and then nothing , I don't remember what happened after that
Ella : oh crap , does he know that you don't remember?
Chloe : no , I don't think so
Ella : wow decker , you seriously don't remember you first night with the person that you're in love with! Lucifer's gonna be hurt
Chloe : stop overreacting Ella , it's just sex
Ella : well let's hope he doesn't say the opposite
" Chloe sighed and looked at Trixie , she was taking Snapchat pictures with her friends "
Chloe : I'll be right back
" Ella nodded , Chloe walked towards Trixie and her friends "
Chloe : hey kids
Trixie : mom , how many times do I have to tell you that we're not kids
Chloe : too bad missy
" Trixie sighed "
Chloe : come on , I'll take a picture of you guys for insta
Trixie : yes please
" Trixie gave Chloe her phone , Trixie stood next to Jess "
Trixie : Crystal , come here
" Crystal stood next to Trixie , the boys were standing next to each other "
Chloe : okay ready?
Trixie : yep
Chloe : 1.. 2.. 3.. smile!
" they smiled for the camera , Chloe took a picture of them and saved it "
Chloe : there you go
" Chloe gave Trixie her phone "
Trixie : thanks mommy
Chloe : your welcome baby
" Trixie was trying to post the picture , Chloe scanned the room looking for Lucifer , but she didn't spot him , she sighed and walked towards Linda "
Chloe : hey
" Linda looked at her "
Linda : Chloe , hi
Chloe : where did Lucifer go?
Linda : I think he's with Maze
Chloe : oh okay
" Chloe looked around "
Linda : listen Chloe , I know that you think Lucifer and I have something going on between us but it's really nothing , but we did have sex ONCE , but I swear we never did it again
Chloe : oh I know , I was there when he told you but I didn't think that he meant it
" Linda nodded "
Chloe : I really wanna talk to him
" she scanned the room again , Lucifer walked inside the venue with Maze , they were laughing "
Chloe : what the hell is wrong with me today? Why am I getting jealous so much
Linda : because you love him Chloe , and you know that he loves you too , no need to get jealous of every little thing that he does
Chloe : I know but like he's way too friendly with girls and it's really annoying , specially maze , I don't know if you know this but he used to sleep with maze , he acts like her boyfriend , she follows him to wherever he goes
Linda : but he did choose you right? That makes you so special Chloe , I don't think he ever brought flowers for a girl , or got really nervous about talking to one of them , he's really in love with you Chloe and I think that's enough
" Chloe looked at Lucifer , he laughing "
Chloe : yeah I guess you're right , I'm just overreacting
" Linda smiled "
Chloe : I'll go talk to him
" Linda nodded , Chloe walked towards Lucifer and Maze , she placed her hand on his shoulder , he looked at her , Maze walked towards Linda "
Chloe : hi
Lucifer : detective? I thought you were upset with me
Chloe : well not anymore , I couldn't stay mad at you
" they smiled , suddenly Chloe cupped his face and kissed him , he placed his hands on her waist and kissed her back , she looked at him "
Chloe : I love you
" he smiled "
Lucifer : I lo-
" suddenly someone played the music , it was loud , Lucifer sighed , Trixie was eating chocolate cake and dancing with her friends , Chloe whispered in Lucifer's ear , he smiled and grabbed her hand and walked towards the bathroom , Linda saw them and shook her head "
Linda : looks like everything's fine between these lovebirds
" Maze Look at the bathroom door , One of Trixie's friends ran towards Maze and bumped into her accidentally , Maze glared at him "
Maze : I swea-
Linda : maze maze
" Linda placed her hand on Maze's shoulder and stopped her , Maze looked at Linda "
Linda : be nice
" Maze took a deep breath , the kid ran away "
Maze : I hate kids
" Linda shook her head , suddenly Ella yelled "
Ella : okay kids , we're gonna play a game
" Trixie and her friends looked at Ella "
Ella : carrying marbles with a spoon , I don't know about y'all but I love this game
Trixie : I love it too
Ella : good , so raise your hands if you want to play
" They raised their hands , Ella smiled "
Ella : good , now Trix pick your teammates
" she looked at her friends "
Trixie : uh .. Jess , Crystal , Kiara , Sky , Vic and Bella
Noah : I thought you'd choose me
Trixie : sorry no boys allowed in my team
Noah : really?
Trixie : yep
" she smiled and made a silly face "
Ella : good job Trix
" Ella and Trixie High-Fived each other "
Trixie : thanks
Ella : sorry boys , no girl in your team
Jessica : better luck next time
" The girls giggled "
Ella : i need two girls and two boys
Jason : William and Tylor
Trixie : Bella and crystal
" they stood in the middle , Ella grabbed four spoons and marbles and gave it to them "
Ella : now put the spoon in your mouth and place the marble on it
" they did it , Bella was struggling to balance the Marble on the spoon because she kept laughing "
Crystal : Bel i swear if we lose this game because of your unnecessary laughter I will kill you
Bella : sorry
" crystal helped Bella balance the marbel on the spoon , Ella was trying to push the table "
Ella : Maze a little help here!
" maze sighed and helped Ella place the tables in the middle "
Ella : okay Crystal and Tyler , you two are going first
" they nodded , Ella grabbed her phone and set a timer "
Ella : ready people?
Crystal : yep
Ella : okay , 3... 2... and... 1
" Ella started the timer , Crystal and Tyler started walking towards their tables carefully and slowly , the girls were cheering for crystal "
Trixie : come on Crystal
" Suddenly Chloe and Lucifer came out of the bathroom and walked towards Maze and Linda "
Chloe : hi
" Ella saw them , she gave Dan the phone and walked towards Chloe and Lucifer "
Ella : Chloe Decker , you're under arrest for ditching your daughter's birthday and making out with Lucifer in the bathroom
Chloe : w-what? Ella , we didn't make out
Ella : oh we have evidence sweetie
" Chloe narrowed her eyes , Ella grabbed Lucifer's collar , Lucifer smirked "
Chloe : whatever
" Chloe cleared her throat "
Chloe : where's Trixie?
Ella : standing over there with her friends
" Ella pointed at Trixie , Chloe walked towards Trixie , she was upset , Chloe placed her hand on Trixie's shoulder "
Chloe : are you okay monkey?
Trixie : Owen didn't show up
Chloe : aww baby I'm sure he'll be here soon , we're just getting started
" Trixie nodded "
Chloe : smile please
" Trixie smiled , Chloe kissed Trixie's cheek "
Chloe : have fun monkey
" Chloe walked towards Lucifer, he looked at her and smiled , she linked her arm to his and placed her head on his shoulder , she looked at Ella playing with Trixie and her friends "
Chloe : she's so energetic , and always so happy
Lucifer : I know , it's annoying
Chloe : what? Why? I think it's adorable
" suddenly everyone applauded for the girls , Trixie hugged her friends and high-fived them , Trixie spotted Owen walking in , she ran towards him "
Trixie : Owen!
Owen : hey
" they hugged "
Owen : happy birthday Trix
" he gave her a gift and she took it "
Trixie : thanks

" Trixie had fun with her friends , she played a lot of games with them , she forced Chloe to play , they danced and ate candy and a lot of chocolate , Chloe brought Trixie's rainbow cake and placed it on the table , they placed the candles on the cake and lit them "
Chloe : come on monkey
" Trixie and her friends walked towards the table , suddenly a blonde woman walked in , wearing a yellow low back solid pencil dress , her hair was a bit messy , there was a bit of blood on her Dress , she placed her hand on Lucifer's shoulder , Lucifer looked at her , she smiled "
Lucifer : do I know you?
" she caressed Lucifer's cheek "
Charlotte : my sweet boy
" Maze heard her , she raised her eyebrows and looked at her "
Lucifer : mum?
Charlotte : I thought you'd never recognize me
Lucifer : yeah I wonder why!
" he eyed her curiously "
Maze : what the hell is she doing here on earth?
" Maze whispered softly "
Charlotte : hello to you too Mazikeen
" Chloe looked at Lucifer , he grabbed Charlotte's arm "
Lucifer : come with me
" Lucifer and Charlotte went outside , Maze shook her head , Chloe walked towards Maze "
Chloe : is that Charlotte Richards?
Maze : who?
Chloe : the woman who just left with Lucifer?
Maze : oh , yes it is
Chloe : what is she doing here?
Maze : that's what I wanna know
" Chloe sighed and crossed her arms "
Maze : no need to be jealous Chloe
Chloe : I'm not
Maze : uh huh
" Chloe walked towards Trixie "

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