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" Lucifer and Maze went to the precinct , Chloe was busy working on a case , suddenly someone approached them "
Ella : Lucifer? And maze?
Maze : Umm .. yeah!
Ella : omg , I'm Ella Lopez , I've been wanting to meet you guys , Chloe has been talking about you two for the past few days
Lucifer : oh did she now
" he smiled and placed his hands on his hips "
Elle : yeah , you're the devilishly handsome man who always wears suits , and you're the gorgeous woman who has a perfect body and wears nothing but leather outfits
" Maze and Lucifer looked at each other "
Lucifer : she said I'm devilishly handsome
Maze : and she said that I have a perfect body
Lucifer : you do , mazie
Maze : thanks
Elle : awww you guys are cute
Lucifer : don't you dare say that again , I'm not CUTE , you heard the detective , I'm devilishly handsome
" ella laughed "
Ella : your boyfriend is funny
Maze : he's not my....
Lucifer : what is it with you people? Everyone thinks that maze is my girlfriend , but she most definitely is not
Maze : wait , who thinks that I'm your girlfriend?
Lucifer : the detective
" Maze sighed and walked towards Chloe , she was busy working , Maze rested her hands on the table "
Maze : decker , lets get one thing straight
" Chloe got startled by Maze "
Maze : Lucifer is NOT my boyfriend , so you need to stop thinking like that , you can have him now , he's all yours
Chloe : um... hello to you too maze?
" Maze sat on the edge of the table "
Chloe : what going on? And what are you doing here?
Maze : well as you I'm a bounty hunter
Chloe : I didn't know that...
Maze : now you do , I hunt these scumbags down and beat the shit outta them
Chloe : oh..
Maze : but Lucifer is here to meet your boss
Chloe : the lieutenant?
Maze : yeah
Chloe : wait! Lucifer's here?
Maze : yeah , why are you surprised
" she started fixing her jacket "
Chloe : no reason
" she took a deep breath "
Maze : ah I see you decker
Chloe : what?
Maze : I can see why Lucifer's head over heels for you
" Chloe smiled "
Chloe : he is?
" maze giggled , chloe sighed "
Chloe : not that i care
Maze : stop it decker , you don't need to play hard to get , coz you're CLEARLY interested in him too
Chloe : he doesn't even say my name , he keeps calling me DETECTIVE
Maze : he'll call you by your name soon
" suddenly Lucifer walked towards the two gorgeous woman talking "
Lucifer : hello Chloe
" she looked into his eyes "
Maze : wow , that day is sooner than i though
Lucifer : what are you talking about?
Maze : Chloe thinks that....
Chloe : um it's nothing , we are just uh.. talking about... how was your night Lucifer?
" she smiled awkwardly "
Lucifer : oh I thought you'd never ask
" he smiled mischievously "
Lucifer : it was surprisingly interesting and entertaining thanks to you love
Chloe : forget that I asked..
" the lieutenant walked towards them "
Olivia :Lucifer Morningstar?
" Lucifer looked at her "
Lucifer : Olivia Monroe
Olivia : hey , how are you?
" they hugged each other "
Lucifer : I'm perfectly fine , thank you
Olivia : let's go and talk in my office
Lucifer : sure
" she linked her arms to his and went to her office , Chloe rolled her eyes and sighed "
Chloe : why am I surprised
Maze : jealous already? I thought u didn't care
Chloe : I don't and I'm definitely not jealous
Maze : really? Coz that sound like jealousy to me
Chloe : I'm not jealous Maze
Maze : uh huh
" Maze smiled , Chloe snapped "
Chloe : FINE , I do care
" she sighed "
Maze : come on you need some fresh air
" she got off the table "
Chloe : no I need to work
Maze : come on decker , Lucifer is gonna take a while in there
Chloe : what do you mean?
Maze : you'll find out when he's done
" she sighed and went with Maze outside the precinct "


" Lucifer was sitting on the chair across from Olivia "
Olivia : so what can I do for you?
Lucifer : well , lieutenant , as you know I was witness to that grizzly death at my nightclub , I mean only a matter of time before those gentlemen start point fingers and the whole ... the whole thing explodes
Olivia : and?
Lucifer : I want in
Olivia : in?
Lucifer : on the action , I got a taste of danger and I want more , this case is the perfect method for me to explore my mortality in an exciting and dangerous way
" she raised her eyebrows "
Lucifer : and .. help find out with responsible for the murders of course
Olivia : I realize you've been very helpful to detective decker on her last case but exploring mortality is not really what I do here
Lucifer : no?
Olivia : uh huh
Lucifer : it's funny , cause you're an ambitious one , aren't you? I can tell ,brimming with desire
Olivia : if I'm gonna be the first female chief of police , I need a big close
Lucifer : of course you do , of course you do , and how do you plan on achieving this grand goal?
Olivia : I will never be appointed without the support of the minority communities
Lucifer : right yes , well I tell you what , if you allow me to assist on this case and .. possibly others , I'll deliver you all the support you need , eh?
" he smiled "
Lucifer : just consider it a favor


" Lucifer opened the door for Olivia "
Lucifer : after you
" Chloe and Maze looked at them "
Olivia : thank you so much
" Olivia and Lucifer walked towards Chloe and Maze , Chloe was sitting on her chair and maze was sitting on the edge of the table "
Olivia : Detective , we have someone who can make people talk
Lucifer : someone with charm , likability
Olivia : and has real ties to the community
" chloe whispered "
Chloe : oh no..
Olivia : Lucifer Morning has volunteered to act as liaison in the Paola Cortez case
Lucifer : oh we have a murder to solve , already
Olivia : you're welcome decker
" Lucifer walked towards one of the female officers , Olivia went to her office , Chloe sighed and shook her head , she looked at Lucifer , he pointed the gun to her and imitated a gunshot , she rolled her eyes , Maze and Lucifer stood in front of the elevator , Chloe grabbed her car keys and went inside the elevator , the door closed , Maze started swinging her blades "
Chloe : what could you have possibly said to con your way onto another case?
Lucifer : well I simply offered the lieutenant a favor , she gets what she wants and I get what I want , a nice juicy gang war
Chloe : you mean you offered to help prevent a gang war , right?
Lucifer : tomato , Tom-ah-to , but see that's why we make such great partners , the " he said , she said " of it all , the yin-yang , the fireworks
Chloe : partners? More like glorified ride-along
Lucifer : just think , you and me close proximity at all time
Chloe : in LA , we call that " stalking "
Lucifer : it's wonderful isn't it? Uh when do I get my own gun?
Chloe : I wouldn't trust you with my kid's lightsaber
" she sighed "
Chloe : okay , I get it , you want to feel new things
Lucifer : exactly
" she slapped him "
Maze : oh fuck
Chloe : how's that?
Lucifer : bloody hell , that hurt , do it again
" he smiled and brought his face closer to hers , the elevator door opened , they walked towards the car "
Lucifer : so , where to , eh? Stakeout? Ambush? You know , I'm quite skilled at restraints
Chloe : no I'm taking you home
Maze : you go decker
Lucifer : ooh , how did you know?
Chloe : that I'd last about ten minutes with you? I don't know call it a gut feeling
" he grabbed her arm and pulled her closer "
Lucifer : do I need to remind you , detective? The gymnastics and the..
Chloe : okay stop
" she pushed him and unlocked the car , he chuckled and got in the car "

Two Different Worlds!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora