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" Trixie invited jess over and Penelope stayed with them while Chloe was working , Chloe went to the crime scene , she saw Ella taking pictures of the body , she walked towards her "

Chloe : hey Ella

Ella : what' up decker ?

Chloe : what do we have here?

" she looked at the dead body "

Ella : well he's practically a kid , 19 or so

Chloe : how long has he been there?

Ella : I don't know , maybe a few days , guess the maid really took the ' do not disturb ' sign seriously

" she sighed , Chloe crossed her arm and listened carefully to what the forensic scientist was saying "

Ella : cause of death , single puncture wound to the neck , im thinking ice pack or a screwdriver , perhaps

" Lucifer walked in the house , fixing his jacket "

Lucifer : hello ladies

Ella : hey Luce

Chloe : hey

Lucifer : sorry im late but I had something to deal with

Ella : oh its fine , you really haven't missed much

" Chloe searched the place while Lucifer was playing with the evidence , Chloe saw him and shook her head , she hit his chest "

Chloe : don't touch the evidence Lucifer

Lucifer : detective , that hurts

Chloe : as it should

" she placed the evidence on the table and continued searching the place , he scoffed "

Ella : there's a body missing , and I found this

" she showed them a white high heeled shoe , it was covered in blood "

Chloe : im assuming it belongs to Cinderella

Lucifer : Cinderella? sure we don't mean evil stepmother?

" he placed his hand in his pocket , Chloe ignored him and shook her head "

Chloe : my guess is that this is an affair gone wrong , jealous husband follows his cheating wife here , he kills the young lover ,he wounds her and then drugs her home or she escapes

Lucifer : definitely the latter

Ella : well , we would know more if she had left more than a shoe , we don't have a purse , no wallet , no keys

Lucifer : would the woman's phone help?

" he walked towards the counter slowly "

Chloe : well yes of course , but we don't have...

" Lucifer pulled a phone out of the ice bucket

Lucifer : a phone

" he gasped "

Ella : wow , good eye Luci!

" she hit his shoulder , he handed her the phone "

Ella : i'll get this back to the lab

Chloe : yeah , fast as you can Ella , we have to proceed as if this missing woman is still alive , okay?

Ella : yeah

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