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6:30 PM
" Jessica and Trixie went to Santa Monica Pier with Jason and Noah , Lucifer and Chloe were making dinner together "
Chloe : this really smells good , I didn't know you can cook
Lucifer : yeah well I do everything
Chloe : no seriously , is there anything you can't do?
" He rested his left hand on the counter and looked at her "
Lucifer : I can't dance
Chloe : welcome to the club
" they giggled , Chloe grabbed the plates and placed them on the table , her phone rang , she answered the call l
Chloe : hello? What? But her birthday is tomorrow
" Lucifer looked at her "
Chloe : please do something about it! Thank you
" she hung up and sighed "
Lucifer : is everything okay?
" she walked towards him "
Chloe : well I ordered a trampoline for trixie's birthday but it's not coming
Lucifer : oh
" she looked upset "
Lucifer : well I have a better idea
Chloe : what?
Lucifer : give me a minute
" he took his phone and went to his bedroom , he called someone , Chloe raised her eyebrows and sat on the stool , she rested her hands on the counter , couple of minutes later he walked towards her smiling "
Lucifer : everything has been taken care of
Chloe : what do you mean?
Lucifer : don't worry about the birthday party Chloe , everything's gonna be perfect
" he took the food and placed it on the table "
Lucifer : come sit
" she sat across from him , he poured wine "
Lucifer : bon appétit
Chloe : merci
" they smiled and started eating "
Chloe : wow , that's delicious
Lucifer : glad you liked it
" they continued eating "

8:15 PM
" Lucifer and Chloe were sitting together talking and drinking wine "
Lucifer : tell me about your family
Chloe : well there's nothing interesting about my family
Lucifer : I'm sure there is something
" she shook her head in disagreement "
Lucifer : what about Hot Tub High School?
Chloe : oh no
" he chuckled "
Lucifer : what? It's still my favorite movie
Chloe : I was young and dumb
Lucifer : and hot by the way
" she smiled "
Lucifer : I mean you're still hot
Chloe : why don't you tell me about your family? I know nothing about and you know pretty much everything about me
Lucifer : well I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters
Chloe : wow
Lucifer : Azrael and Remiel are my sisters , Amenadiel , Uriel ,Gabriel and The dickhead Michael , he's my twin brother
Chloe : woah , why do you hate him?
Lucifer : because he thinks he can be better than me , he's so jealous because I'm the favorite son , well not anymore
Chloe : do you guys fight?
Lucifer : every time I see his scarred face! Had a fight with him once and I scarred him for life
" Chloe couldn't believe what he just said "
Lucifer : what? He pisses me off , he deserved it
Chloe : you , scarred your twin brother , because he pisses you off?
Lucifer : yes
" she shook her head in disbelief "
Lucifer : well good thing that I don't hate Amenadiel , but he started pissinge off too , he keep trying to take me back home
Chloe : why?
Lucifer : I suppose dad gave him the orders , he's trying to manipulate me again but I won't allow it this time , he abandoned me
Chloe : what about your mom?
" Lucifer chuckled"
Lucifer : she just sat there and said nothing when dad kicked me out of he-
" he looked at her "
Lucifer : home
Chloe : I'm so sorry Lucifer
" she placed her hand on his shoulder , he smiled "
Lucifer : I'll go and get more wine
" she nodded , he took her glass and walked towards the kitchen , she watched him as he took the wine bottle and poured it , she heard Trixie's voice "
Chloe : oh Trixie's here
" she got up and went to the other side , Trixie was looking around for her mother and Lucifer , she was holding a teddy bear and a slushie "
Trixie : mom?
Chloe : I'm here baby
" Trixie saw Chloe , she hugged her "
Chloe : hi monkey
Trixie : hi
Chloe : did you have fun?
Trixie : yeah , it was amazing
" They held each other's hands and went to the other side and sat on the couch , Lucifer took the wine glasses and sat next to Trixie , he gave Chloe her glass "
Trixie : we played a lot of games , water race , mini hoops , long range basketball and ring toss , it was so fun
" Chloe caressed her cheeks "
Chloe : I'm glad you had fun baby
" Trixie placed her head on Chloe's lap and hugged her bear "
Trixie : thank you Lucifer , for convincing mommy , she would never say yes if you didn't talk to her
Lucifer : my pleasure small human , your mother is so stubborn
" Chloe rolled her eyes playfully "
Trixie : okay mom I decided something
Chloe : what?
Trixie : I'm gonna have a sleepover or a movie night after the party , I'm gonna invite Jess , Kiara and sky for the pyjama party
" she crossed her arms "
Trixie : but if I have a movie night , I'll invite everyone
Chloe : everyone as in?
Trixie : Jess , kiara , sky , crystal, Victoria , Bella , Conner , Tyler , William , Levi , Jason and Noah
Lucifer : that's a good idea
Chloe : nope , it's not
Trixie : why?
Chloe : a sleepover is better , just you and the girls
Trixie : come on mommy , not again
Chloe : what?
Trixie : I know that you don't want me to invite Noah , but I swear he's nice and sweet and so fun , please mommy!
Lucifer : aww
" Chloe sighed "
Chloe : fine , I'm agreeing to this because it's your birthday
Trixie : uh huh
" Trixie hugged Chloe "
Trixie : oh there's another thing
Chloe : what now?
Trixie : I ordered clothes online 2 weeks ago and I paid with your credit card
Chloe : you wha-
Trixie : and I received them today , we went home before we go out and the delivery guy was there
Chloe : how did you even know how to shop online?
Trixie : Jess taught me
Chloe : ugh that little weasel
Lucifer : you shouldn't order online again , Beatrice , I'll take you to the mall one day
Chloe : no you're not
Lucifer : are you Beatrice? I'm talking to your offspring
" trixie giggled "
Trixie : I wanted to buy a new dress and I knew mommy would buy me a fluffy pink skirt with a sushi top
" Lucifer and Trixie laughed , Chloe rolled her eyes "
Chloe : you're way to young to wear a crop top sweetie
Trixie : isn't that a bit late? I mean the clothes are already here and I hid them
Chloe : I swear to god-
Lucifer : leave the poor child alone Chloe , it's her birthday , she's old enough to choose her outfit and go out with her friends and have a crush
Chloe : I just hate that she's growing up so fast
" she caressed trixie's hair "
Trixie : okay she's overreacting again , a little help here?
" she looked at Lucifer , he shook his head and grabbed Chloe's arm and pulled her closer to him "
Lucifer : i said leave the poor child alone
" she hit his chest softly "
Trixie : mom if you don't stop I'll tell Lucifer what you told me this morning
" Chloe covered Trixie mouth with her hand "
Lucifer : what did she say?
Trixie : she said that sh-
Chloe : it's nothing important
" she got up and grabbed her phone "
Chloe : I think we should go , come on Trix
" Trixie giggled , Chloe put on her shoes and grabbed Trixie's hand "
Trixie : wait let me say good night to him mommy
" Chloe sighed , Trixie walked towards Lucifer and hugged him , she whispered in his ear "
Trixie : don't tell her that I told you but she's in love with you , that's why she's acting weird
" his eyes landed on Chloe "
Trixie : good night Lucifer
" she waved to him , he smiled , Lucifer watched Chloe leaving , he got up and took his phone and texted maze "

================================8:15 PM" Lucifer and Chloe were sitting together talking and drinking wine "Lucifer : tell me about your family Chloe : well there's nothing interesting about my family Lucifer : I'm sure there is something " she sh...

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