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"Chloe woke up the next morning , naked , her head was placed on his chest , his hands were caressing the small of her back while hugging her , she groaned softly and opened her eyes to find the handsome British man sleeping next to her , her jaw dropped , she stepped out of bed , the silk sheets wrapped around her perfectly curved body , she tried leaving but Lucifer woke up "
Lucifer : leaving so soon , detective?
" Chloe stopped , she turned around and looked at him , she smiled awkwardly , he stepped out of bed and walked towards her naked , she averted her eyes "
Lucifer : it's nothing you haven't seen before , so no need to look away
" she hesitated , he kissed the corner of her lips , she couldn't help but smile "
Lucifer : good morning detective
Chloe : uh , good morning!
" she was confused "
Chloe : please tell me , w-we didn't...
" lucifer scoffed "
Lucifer : oh did we ever , and I'm pretty sure we made Rosemary's baby
" she closed her eyes and shook her head in disbelief "
Lucifer : oh , detective it was extraordinary , the heat , the gymnastics
" he chuckled "
Lucifer : I mean , you had moves that made even the devil blush
Chloe : oh , no , this is bad
" she sighed "
Lucifer : trust me detective , it wasn't bad
Chloe : Oh I'm sure it wasn't , I'm talking about this
" she looked around "
Chloe : I don't do this , this is not me Lucifer , I don't get drunk at a birthday party and have sex with a guy that I barely know
Lucifer : I have a brilliant idea
" he placed his hands on his hips "
Lucifer : how about we get to know each other and then have sex again after 2 weeks
Chloe : are you being serious right now?
Lucifer : yes , detective
Chloe : you're dumb
Lucifer : I'm not dumb
" he raised his eyebrows l
Chloe : let's not say things we don't mean
" she walked towards the closet , Lucifer chuckled , she grabbed a plaid flannel shirt and put it on "
Chloe : I'm never gonna get drunk around you again
" Lucifer put on his robe "
Lucifer : whatever you say , detective
" she grabbed her dress and walked towards him "
Chloe : I'll never , ever , EVER , sleep with you again
" he bit his lips softly and smiled , she suddenly felt his hand on her waist "
Lucifer : mmhm
Chloe : don't ...
Lucifer : don't what?
Chloe : don't do that
Lucifer : or what? You'll shoot me?
" they looked into each other's eyes , his hands moved down to her inner thighs , her kneeled down and smiled "
Chloe : please don't!
" he trailed soft kisses on her inner thighs , she felt butterflies running through her whole body , he was getting close to her private area , she grabbed his shoulder and closed her eyes "
Chloe : Lucifer..
Lucifer : hmm?
" he continued kissing her inner thigh "
Chloe : please stop
" he looked at her , her eyes were closed , her hands were on his shoulder , he stood up "
Lucifer : as you wish detective
" he fixed his hair , suddenly she cupped his face and kissed him passionately , he picked her up and kissed her back , her legs were wrapped around his waist , his hand on the back of her neck , her fingers running through his hair , he placed her on the couch , he took of her shirt and kissed her neck , she was panting , he trailed kissed on her stomach , she bit her lips and moaned , suddenly a familiar voice echoed in the room "
Maze : Lucifer , I'm back
" she dropped her phone , Chloe saw her , she grabbed her shirt quickly and covered her body , maze saw Lucifer "
Maze : what's up?
Lucifer : uhh...
Maze : oh you have a guest? Sorry I interrupted
" she saw chloe's blonde hair "
Maze : ooo she's blonde too , way to go buddy
" Chloe looked at maze , maze's jaw dropped "
Maze : Decker?
Chloe : h-hi
" she waved at her "
Maze : oh my god
" she walked towards them slowly "
Maze : you're having sex with DECKER?
Lucifer : stop right there mazie
" she stopped and placed her hand over her mouth "
Maze : sorry , but seriously decker , I didn't know you cared
Chloe : I don't
" Lucifer looked at her "
Maze : well this can't be a one night stand , it's supposed to be a one time thing but NO ONE can have sex with Lucifer and not want more or fall in love with him
" chloe wore her shirt hesitatingly "
Maze : are you sure you don't care Decker?
Chloe : I....
Lucifer : she is , she said that she'll never have sex with me again
Maze : and when was that?
Lucifer : 15 minutes ago..
Maze : right
" maze giggled , Chloe buttoned her shirt "
Maze : glad to see you naked again decker
" Chloe rolled her eyes , Lucifer and maze chuckled , Chloe walked towards Lucifer "
Chloe : I'll never have sex with you again , I'm serious this time
Lucifer : right
" he nodded and giggled "
Chloe : I'm serious Lucifer
Lucifer : I'm serious too , detective
" maze laughed and patted him on his shoulder , Chloe grabbed her car keys and walked towards the elevator "
Chloe : I HATE YOU
Lucifer : let's not say thing we don't mean , darling
" she left , Maze and Lucifer laughed "
Maze : wow , you and decker? Who would've thought
Lucifer : I told you she's different
" maze smiled , Lucifer looked at her "
Lucifer : wait why are you smiling?
Maze : am I not allowed to smile?
Lucifer : you are , but you smiled because I'm talking about the detective
Maze : yeah , so?
Lucifer : I thought you hated earth and the detective
Maze : I don't hate decker , she's cool , in a way , and I kinda like earth too
Lucifer : what did you do to my maze?
Maze : I'm serious luci , we were stuck with Lux for the past 5 years , the same people partying every night , one night stands , now everything's changing
" he nodded "
Maze : you and Chloe, your passion for working with decker , my new hobby which is why I am gonna stay here longer than I thought
Lucifer : and what is your new hobby exactly?
Maze : bounty hunting
" he raised his eyebrows "
Maze : who knew hunting humans was a job
" she chuckled "
Lucifer : well I'm glad you like it here , looks like we're sticking around for a while
" she smiled "
Maze : yeah

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