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- 9:30 PM -

" Chloe went back home after finishing the case , Penelope was sitting on the couch watching TV and drinking wine , Chloe sat next to her "

Chloe : hi

Penelope : hi honey , how was your day?

" Chloe placed her head on Penelope's lap "

Chloe : challenging and stressful

" Penelope ran her fingers through Chloe's hair "

Penelope : you need to stop working so much honey , you're not the only detective who works for the LAPD

Chloe : I know , but im the smartest

" Chloe smiled "

Penelope : you're just like your father , he never stopped working , day and night , every single day

Chloe : I like working mom , you know that I hate sitting at home all day and doing nothing

Penelope : I know honey

Chloe : where's Trixie?

Penelope : she's in her room with jess

Chloe : jess is here?

" Penelope nodded "

Chloe : I hope they don't stay awake all night , they have school tomorrow

Penelope : I think they're already sleeping

" Chloe sighed "

Penelope : so tell me about your boyfriend , Lucifer right?

" Chloe smiled "

Chloe : yeah

Penelope : that's a strange name

" Chloe rolled her eyes playfully "

Chloe : he's perfect mom , he says the weirdest and does the weirdest things but he's still perfect , he makes me so happy , he loves Trixie , he doesn't really show it much but he does

" Penelope smiled "

Chloe : he does all the things that he hates just make me happy , he hates sleeping on the left side of the bed and he knows that I do too but he still sleeps there just to make me happy , he loves me so much and he is incredibly hot , its so annoying

" Chloe and Penelope giggled "

Penelope : he sounds like a great guy

Chloe : he is

" Chloe remembered that she didn't text him "

Chloe : oh shit

" she got up "

Penelope : what's wrong honey?

Chloe : I forgot to text him

" she grabbed her phone and called Lucifer , she whispered to her mother "

Chloe : oh by the way , he's your biggest fan

" he answered the call "

Chloe : hi , im really sorry I forgot to text you

Lucifer : it's okay love

Chloe : where are you?

Lucifer : im with Maze , we're stalking a girl that she likes , she doesn't want to talk to her

" Chloe laughed and placed her head on Penelope's lap again "

Chloe : I didn't know that Maze was a chicken

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