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" Lucifer and Chloe went back to the penthouse , he was wearing an arm sling , he sat on the couch and sighed "
Lucifer : I almost died today
Chloe : Lucifer don't overreact
" she grabbed a glass of water and gave him , he took it "
Chloe : you think you're gonna be okay here alone?
Lucifer : yeah I'm not a baby
Chloe : says the guy who almost cried when he was getting stitches
" he rolled his eyes and sipped water "
Chloe : I'm gonna go pick Trixie up from school
Lucifer : are you gonna come back later?
Chloe : I can't leave Trixie alone
Lucifer : you can bring her
" he smiled "
Chloe : are you sure?
Lucifer : yeah , I like the your offspring
Chloe : okay well , we'll be here in an hour
Lucifer : great
" they smiled "
Chloe : I'm gonna have to take your car
Lucifer : sure but please be careful and take care of my child
" she giggled "
Chloe : don't worry , your child's in good hands
" she left the penthouse , she drove to Trixie's school , the kids were standing outside waiting for their parents , Chloe parked the car in front of the school , she spotted Trixie standing with Jessica and the boys , she stepped out of the car and walked towards her "
Chloe : hey monkey
Trixie : hey mom
" Chloe kissed trixie's cheek "
Chloe : come on we're going to Lucifer's
Trixie : really?
Chloe : yes
" Trixie got excited and jumped "
Chloe : Jess where's you mother?
Jessica : I think she's gonna be late so Jason is gonna drop me off with his dad
" she pointed at the brunette boy "
Chloe : I can drop you off if you want
Jessica : really?
Chloe : yeah
Jessica : thanks aunt Chloe
Chloe : no big deal sweetie
" she caressed her cheek and smiled "
Chloe : come on young ladies
" Trixie and Jessica waved to the boys and followed chloe , they got in the car and they sat next to each other "
Chloe : be careful girls
" Chloe drove away from the school , Trixe and Jessica started whispering to each other "
Jessica : I don't think she's gonna allow me to come with you
Trixie : don't worry I'll talk to her
" Chloe saw them "
Chloe : what are you whispering about?
" they looked at her "
Jessica : nothing important
Trixie : mommy can Jess come with us to Lucifer's?
Chloe : I don't think that's a good idea monkey
Trixie : please mommy , we'll talk to aunt Jocelyn
" chloe hesitated "
Trixie : please mommy?
Jessica : pleaseee aunt Chloe?
" she sighed "
Chloe : fine , but we'll have to call your mom first , Jess
Trixie : yesss
" Jessica called her mom from Chloe's phone and told her , her mother said yes , Chloe drove back to Lux , she parked the car in front of Lux and gave the guard Lucifer's keys , the girls followed her , they were surprised when they saw the club "
Trixie : woah
Jessica : omg
" Chloe looked at them , they stopped and looked around "
Jessica : this is crazy
Trixie : I know
Chloe : come on girls
" they whispered to each other "
Trixie : this is a nightclub
Jessica : oh right , we've seen it in a movie last week , this is the place where people hang out , get drunk and have sex in a really dark place
Trixie : exactly
" they giggled and followed Chloe to the elevator "
Chloe : now you guys need to be good , no yelling , no playing around , no messing with his things
Trixie : Sure
Jessica : this nightclub is sick , Trix why don't you celebrate your birthday here?
Trixie : that's cool
" Chloe raised her eyebrows "
Chloe : no no no , that is not cool , and how do you two know about nightclubs?
" the elevator door opened , Chloe sighed "
Chloe : we're gonna talk about this later
" they went inside the penthouse , Lucifer wasn't in the living room "
Trixie : wow
Jessica : holy crap
" they looked around , they sat on the bench and started playing a random melody on the piano "
Chloe : girls stop
" they stopped "
Trixie : sorry mommy
Chloe : Lucifer?
" she yelled "
Lucifer : I'm coming in a minute detective
" Chloe smiled when she heard his voice , she sat on the sofa , the girls sat next to her , Lucifer walked out of his bedroom , a towel wrapped around his waist , Chloe saw him , she kept staring at him "
Trixie : Lucifer
" Trixie got excited and hugged him "
Lucifer : hello child
" he saw jessica , she walked towards them "
Trixie : Lucifer meet my best friend , Jessica
Jessica : hi Lucifer
Lucifer : hello small human
" he looked at Chloe , she cleared her throat and stood up "
Chloe : hi
Lucifer : hello
" she smiled "
Lucifer : you came back earlier than I thought
Chloe : yeah well Trixie wanted to see you
" he looked at Trixie "
Chloe : I'm sorry we brought her friend without asking you
Lucifer's : oh it's fine , you guys are welcome to come over anytime
" Trixie and Jessica sat on the sofa "
Lucifer : I'm gonna go out some clothes on
Chloe : okay
" Lucifer went to his closet , Chloe sat next to the girls , Jessica took out her phone from her backpack "
Chloe : you took your phone to school with you?
Jessica : everyday
Chloe : does your mom know?
Jessica : nope
Chloe : what if she finds out?
Jessica : who's gonna tell her?
Chloe : maybe I do
Jessica : oh I know you're not gonna tell her because you're sweet and caring and you love me
Chloe : ugh
" she rolled her eyes playfully , the girls were whispering to each other , Lucifer walked out of his bedroom wearing a black suit as always , he sat next to Chloe "
Chloe : how do you feel now?
Lucifer : better , no pain
Chloe : why did you take off the arm sling?
Lucifer : it was bothering me
Chloe : Lucifer you have to put it on
Lucifer : I will but not now
" Trixie interrupted "
Trixie : mommy
Chloe : yeah baby?
Trixie : Jess is going to Santa Monica Pier with our friends , can I please go?
Chloe : who are your other friends?
Trixie : Noah and Jason
Chloe : the blonde boy and the brunette boy?
Trixie : they have names but yeah
Chloe : no
Trixie : but why?
Chloe : because I don't even know them
Jessica : but we do aunt Chloe
Chloe : no means no , and is there any adult going with you guys?
Jessica : no , just us
Chloe : great , you two , alone , with two boys , not happening
Trixie : mom pleaseeee , tomorrow's my birthday , you can't say no to me
Lucifer : come on Chloe , the child is excited for this thing let her go
Chloe : Lucifer she's 11 , I can't let her go out alone with two boys
Lucifer : You'll have to let her go out with her friends one day Chloe
Chloe : one day yes , but not today
Lucifer : your mom is so stubborn
Trixie : I know
" Trixie crossed her arm and started whispering to Jessica "
Chloe : and by the way where these boys come from? As far as I knew , Jessica , Kiara and Sky are your only friends , since when do you hang out with boys?
Jessica : since the day Noah threw French Fries at her
" Trixie hit Jessica with her elbow "
Jessica : ow
Chloe : okay spit it out kids
Trixie : ugh we're not kids
" Chloe looked at Trixie "
Trixie : okay we met Jason and Noah two weeks ago , he kept throwing French Fries at me , we talked to them and we became friends , that's it
Jessica : hold up Trix , you forgot where you told me that you have a little crush on Noah
Trixie : JESS
Lucifer : aww , you're allowed to have a crush , child
" Chloe glared at him "
Lucifer : what? I think it's really cute
Chloe : shut up for a minute
" he giggled "
Trixie : Jess has a crush on Jason too
Jess : Trix , you weren't supposed to say that
Trixie : yeah well you weren't supposed to say THAT
" Jessica sighed "
Trixie : ugh I'm never gonna tell you my secrets again
Jessica : you don't really have to Trix , because whenever you do something bad I happen to be there
Chloe : wait what is that supposed to mean?
Lucifer : well this isn't suspicious at all
Trixie : it's nothing mommy
Chloe : what the hell! I'm not mad for some reason
" Trixie smiled "
Trixie : really?
Chloe : oh but we will talk about this
" Trixie sighed "
Jessica : so can we go?
Trixie : you're kidding right?
Jessica : no I'm not
Trixie : she's not gonna let me go with you guys
" she got upset , Lucifer looked at her , he grabbed Chloe's hand and took her to his room "
Chloe : Lucifer wha-
" he blocked her way with his right hand , the other hand was in his pocket "
Lucifer : Chloe , what are you doing?
Chloe : I'm not doing anything
Lucifer : you need to let her go out with her friends , boys or not , she needs to have fun
Chloe : what do you mean boys or not Lucifer she's 11
Lucifer : exactly , she's 11 , what's the worst thing she can do to a boy? Hold his hand? Have her first kiss with him? You're really overreacting Chloe
" she sighed , he grabbed her chin
and brought his face closer to her , she cleared her throat "
Lucifer : come on Chloe
" he whispered seductively in her ear , she placed her hands on his shoulder "
Lucifer : I promise I'll have a naked cuddle time with you tonight if she go out with her friends
Chloe : fine , but I'm not having sex with you
" she whispered , he kissed her neck "
Lucifer : whatever you say darling
" he kissed her softly , she kissed him back , he tried to take off her shirt but she stopped him "
Chloe : the girls ..
Lucifer : right
" he looked at her and smiled , she took a deep breath , he walked towards the girls , she rested her head on the wall , Lucifer whispered to Jessica and Trixie "
Lucifer : I just convinced her to let you go
Trixie : you're kidding?
Lucifer : nope
" Trixie exclaimed and hugged him "
Trixie : omg thank you , thank you , you're the best
" he hugged her back "
Lucifer : I know I'm the best
" Chloe fixed her shirt and walked towards them , she sat next to Lucifer "
Chloe : I thought about this ... and I think you can have fun with your friends today
" Trixie smiled "
Chloe : but no funny business
Trixie : mom , you do realize that I'm turning 11 right?
Chloe : so?
Trixie : you gotta chill , it'll be fine , I'm gonna go out with my friends , we're gonna have fun a lot , we're gonna eat and come back home , that's it
Chloe : okay
Jessica : thanks sunshine
Chloe : you're welcome sweetie
" Trixie and Jessica hugged Chloe , she hugged them back "
Chloe : okay move before I change my mind
" they sat on the couch quickly "

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