Chapter 28

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*Katsuki's POV*

After an arduous meeting which used up every ounce of patience I had, I called for Icy hot and his friends to be called into the throne room. The meeting had been nothing more than me bouncing ideas for the incoming war off of my advisors and them giving feedback on my ideas. It was stressful, to say the least. By the end, I was snappy and ready to fall into my bed and leave everything to my advisors. But I couldn't do that, and as much as I loathed the process of preparing for war, I couldn't enter the situation without a thorough plan, not when thousands of people's lives were on the line.

"Prince Shoto of Endeavour, Princess Momo, Lady Kyoka's destined and princess of Creati and their companions." A servant announced to the throne room as they opened the door and let the group of five in.

I cringed ever so slightly as both Icy Hot and Money Bags were introduced with their titles. It wasn't strictly necessary as both of them had basically renounced their old lives in favour of living in Crepitus, but technically they still retained those titles until they gave them up in front of their home courts.

"Thank you for coming." Eijiro beamed from the bottom step of the dais. All ten of my advisors were fanned out on the bottom step of the dais, they were either stood up or sat down, stretching as if they were sat out in the sun and not in a throne room where they were supposed to act professionally. But what could I really say on professionalism when I was sprawled in my throne with no regard for social decorum. One leg was thrown over the armrest of the throne, clearly not how any monarch should sit in their throne.

"We were called for?" Four eyes inquired, not fucking about and getting straight to the point.

"Yes, you were. As you're aware, I anticipate that my Kingdom will be going to war with Endeavour or the unknown enemy soon. All five of you are not from here which makes you liabilities. You could quite easily if you really wanted to, turn on this Kingdom. Run back home and tell all of our secrets to our enemies." I started, looking at each and every one of them deeply in the eyes.

"I could easily solve this problem by locking all of you back up in your cells, but I'd like to think that you've earned a tiny bit of my trust. I'm a kind enough person and-" I was interrupted by a snort of amusement from Denki, my already frayed nerves dissolved just a fraction more.

"Shut the fuck up, Dunce Face, if you're gonna laugh then get the fuck out of my throne room! We can settle this later in the ring if you want! Is that what you want?" I snapped. I watched as Dunce Face quickly shook his head, returning his back to the floor. With an exasperated huff, I continued.

"As I was saying, I'd like to think that I've been decent enough by allowing you the amount of freedom which I have, but that freedom is not free. Sure, you've been working as servants, getting paid for your work, but you've still got more to do until you will be completely free, allowed to roam the Kingdom as you please. To contribute towards this 'debt' I propose you help in the war efforts. I don't care what you do, in all honesty, as long as you help." I announced.

I watched each of their faces closely, surveying their reactions. They all looked quite surprised that I would ask, well more like demand, them to help in a fight which could end up being against their own home country. We weren't sure who would win the battle which continued to rage in Endeavour, but no matter what the outcome there would be, we would most likely be the next target.

"What jobs are you willing to give us, King Katsuki?" Deku asked.

"Whatever the fuck you want. You'll be supervised closely whatever you do. I'm not just suddenly gonna trust you to swing a sword around as you train without someone watching you closely." I huffed with a roll of my eyes.

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